University General Course Catalog 2016-2017 
    Mar 12, 2025  

College Board Advanced Placement Examinations (CBAPE)

College Board Advanced Placement  Examination (CBAPE)

These examinations are for students in high school. Upon receipt of an official score report from the College Board, the Office of Admissions and Records assigns a grade of “TST” and grants credit as specified below. A maximum of 60 semester credits may be earned in any combination of non-traditional learning examinations and applied towards a bachelor’s degree.

Note regarding Silver Core Curriculum requirements- AP exam results for which course credit is awarded will satisfy the same Silver Core requirements as the UNR course taken in residence, with the following exceptions:

  1. AP exam results with equivalence to HIST 101  or PSC 101  satisfy only the U.S. Constitution component of CO8.

  2. AP exam results do not satisfy CO9, CO10, CO11, or CO12.

History 3, 4, or 5 Art Elective (3 cr.)
Studio Art (2-D Design, 3-D Design, or Drawing) 3, 4, or 5 Art Elective (3 cr.)
  3 BIOL 100  Lecture (3 cr.)*
  4 or 5 BIOL 190   (3 cr.) and BIOL 191  (3 cr.)**

*Meets a Silver Core Curriculum Natural Sciences with lab (CO4L) requirement only after successful completion of the laboratory portion of BIOL 100  at UNR. Contact the Biology Department to enroll in 1 credit of independent study to complete the lab requirement.

**Meets a biology major requirement only after successful completion of BIOL 192 .

  3 CHEM 121A  (3 cr.)
  4 or 5 CHEM 121A  (3 cr.) and CHEM 122A  (3 cr.)
Meets a chemistry major requirement only if the Chemistry Department certifies that the student has completed an appropriate, advanced chemistry laboratory in high school; or after successful completion of CHEM 121L  and CHEM 122L . Meets a Silver Core Curriculum Natural Sciences with lab (CO4L) requirement only after successful completion of CHEM 121L and/or CHEM 122L
Computer Science
Computer Science A 3 CS 103  (3 cr.)
  4 or 5 CS 135  (3 cr.)
Computer Science Principles 3, 4, or 5 CS 105  (3 cr.)
Microeconomics 3, 4, or 5 ECON 102  (3 cr.)
Macroeconomics 3, 4, or 5 ECON 103  (3 cr.)
English Language & Composition 3 ENG 101  (3 cr.)
  4 or 5 ENG 101  (3 cr.) and ENG 102  (3 cr.)
English Literature & Composition 3
ENG 101  (3 cr.)
  ENG 101  (3 cr.) and ENG 102  (3 cr.) when ENG 104  is taken.

ENG 101  (3 cr.) and ENG 298  (3 cr.) OR

ENG 101  (3 cr.) and ENG 102  (3 cr.) when ENG 104  is taken.

No more than 6 credits may be awarded for AP exams in English.
Environmental Science
  3 Environmental Science Elective (3 cr.)
  4 or 5 ENV 101  (3 cr.)
Human Geography 3, 4, or 5 GEOG 106  (3cr.)
United States  3, 4, or 5 HIST 101  (3 cr.) and HIST 102  (3 cr.)
HIST 101 meets Silver Core Humanities 203/CO5, CO8 requirement ONLY after successful completion of PSC 100  (1 cr.) available via 365Learning.
European 3, 4, or 5 HIST 105  (3 cr.) and HIST 106  (3 cr.)
World 3, 4, or 5 HIST 105  (3 cr.) and HIST 106  (3 cr.)
Calculus AB (or AB Subscore on BC exam) 3, 4, or 5 MATH 181  (4 cr.)
Calculus BC 3, 4, or 5 MATH 181  (4 cr.) and MATH 182  (4 cr.)
Statistics 3, 4, or 5 STAT 152  (3 cr.)
Theory  3 Music Elective (3 cr.)
  4 or 5 MUS 203   (3 cr.)
Physics 1 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 151A  (3 cr.)
Physics 2 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 152A  (3 cr.)
Physics C: Mechanics 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 180  (3 cr.)
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism  3, 4, or 5 PHYS 181  (3 cr.)  
Students must complete an appropriate physics laboratory course (PHYS 151LA , PHYS 152LA , PHYS 180L , PHYS 181L ) to meet a Silver Core Curriculum Natural Sciences with lab (CO4L) requirement.
Political Science
United States Government and Politics 3, 4, or 5 PSC 101  (3 cr.)
Meets Silver Core Humanities 203/CO5, CO8 requirement ONLY after successful completion of PSC 100  (1 cr.) available via 365Learning.
Comparative Government & Politics 3, 4, or 5 PSC 211  (3 cr.)
  3, 4, or 5 PSY 101  (3 cr.)
World Languages and Cultures
Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Spanish Language and Culture 3 111 (4 cr.) and 112 (4 cr.)
4 112 (4 cr.) and 211 (3 cr.)
5 211 (3 cr.) and 212 (3 cr.)
Spanish Literature and Culture 3 SPAN 111  (4 cr.) and 112 (4 cr.)
  4 or 5 SPAN 211  (3 cr.) and 212 (4 cr.)
Latin 3, 4, or 5 World Languages and Literatures Elective (6 cr.)
No more than 8 credits may be awarded for AP exams in a World Language and Culture/Literature and Culture.