University General Course Catalog 2012-2013 
    Feb 16, 2025  

Requirements for Graduation

Catalog: A student enrolled at a NSHE institution may elect to graduate under the catalog of the year of enrollment in a baccalaureate-level program or the year of graduation. However, University Core Curriculum requirements for graduation are determined by the year of admission to the university as a regular degree- seeking student.

Students who change their major must choose the catalog of the year of the latest change of major or the year of graduation.

Whichever catalog is used, it cannot be more than 10 years old at the time of graduation.

In the case of NSHE transfer students, any exceptions to this policy will be handled by the Transfer Center and the transfer agreement contract process.

NSHE institutions do not guarantee the awarding of a degree based upon the unchanged requirements of a particular catalog. Periodic revisions of degree requirements are made because of advances in knowledge, changes in occupational qualifications or the expectations of accrediting authorities. If such revisions have occurred, the college may require a reasonable adherence to the degree requirements of a recent or current catalog.

Degrees, diplomas or certificates may not be granted unless all university requirements are fulfilled. A degree, diploma or certificate that is awarded in error, or upon fraudulent claims, will be withdrawn immediately and the student’s record will be corrected accordingly.

Academic Requirements: In order to graduate, students are required to have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, including all postsecondary course work attempted. In addition, students must earn a University of Nevada, Reno GPA of at least 2.0. This requirement includes all repeated courses and excludes those courses in which the student has received marks of “AD,” “I,” “NR,” “X,” “S,” “U” and “W” (Audit, Incomplete, Not Reported, In Progress, Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory and Withdrawal). Students cannot graduate with an “I”, “NR”, or “X” on their record. Additional academic requirements may be established by the dean of an individual college, which may include a higher minimum GPA.

Four-Year Credit Requirement: Half of the total credits required for an undergraduate degree must be earned at a regionally accredited, four-year institution.

Resident Credit Requirements: Candidates for a bachelor’s degree at the University of Nevada, Reno must complete 30 upper-division credits in residence. Resident credits are defined as regular classroom instruction, as well as correspondence courses, continuing education classes, and other distance education courses offered through the University of Nevada, Reno. Students who have completed the residency requirement and have no more than 12 credits remaining to complete their degrees may petition to graduate in absentia.

Students must obtain permission from their college deans to graduate in absentia. Students must not exceed the total number of transfer credits allowed toward the bachelor’s degree.

Authorized exceptions to this rule include:

  1. Preprofessional students who complete at least 96 credits in residence at the university may transfer a maximum of 32 semester credits of satisfactory course work from an accredited professional school toward a bachelor’s degree. In order to apply the transfer credits, such students must satisfy all department, college and university requirements for graduation.
  2. Any course that is satisfactorily completed at the university for credit, except credit earned by special examination, is considered resident credit at the campus sponsoring the course.

Coursework older than 10 years: In areas of study in which the subject matter changes rapidly, material in courses taken long before graduation may become obsolete. Courses which are more than 10 years old are applicable toward completion of specific major or minor requirements at the discretion of the student’s major or minor department. Departments may approve, disapprove, or request that the student revalidate the substance of such courses. Students whose major or minor programs include courses that will be more than 10 years old at the expected time of graduation should consult with their major or minor department at the earliest possible time to determine acceptability of such courses. Courses older than 10 years will apply to general elective requirements. Departments may adopt a more restrictive policy where accreditation and/or licensure requirements limit the applicability of courses to fewer than 10 years.

Independent Learning Grades: Final grades must be entered and a graduation GPA calculated before a degree can be awarded. If a graduation applicant’s record includes in-progress grades in Independent Learning courses, the student will be administratively withdrawn from the coursework through Independent Learning prior to the degree being posted on the student’s transcript.

Application for Graduation: University of Nevada, Reno students should follow these instructions in applying for graduation:

Students must meet with an academic advisor to review their Academic Advising Report before submitting an application for graduation.

The graduation application period for each term opens when registration for that term opens. Applications must be submitted in MyNEVADA by:

  • March 1st for May graduation applicants
  • June 1st for August graduation applicants
  • October 1st for December graduation applicants

Students in good academic standing become eligible to apply for graduation when they have 108 units including in-progress enrollment.  Students are assigned “Eligible” status nightly when registration is open.

A non-refundable $66 graduation fee is assessed in MyNEVADA approximately 48 hours after an application is submitted. The fee is due 3-5 days later.

When the graduation application is submitted, the graduation status displayed at the top of the Academic Advising Report changes from “Eligible” to “Applied”.

Graduation applications are reviewed in the Office of Admissions and Records.  If there are no deficiencies on the report, the graduation status is changed to “Complete-Pending”.  If the report includes deficiencies, the student’s graduation status is changed to “Program in Review”.

By April 1st (Spring applicants), August 1st (Summer applicants), and November 1st (Fall applicants) each applicant’s Academic Advising Report must be “Complete Pending”.  Applicants whose reports are not “Complete Pending” by the reconciliation dates above will be removed from the graduation applicant list for the term. 

* Correspondence regarding applications for graduation is sent to each student’s email address. Students may update their email address via the Student Self-Service Center.