University General Course Catalog 2012-2013 
    Sep 08, 2024  

Credit for Nontraditional Learning


Examinations approved for students attempting to earn university-level credit:

  1. College Board Advanced Placement Examinations (CBAPE);
  2. College-Level Examination Program (CLEP General and Subject);
  3. International Baccalaureate North America examinations (IB)
  4. ACT Proficiency Examination Program (ACT PEP);
  5. National League for Nursing Placement Examination (NLN), Profile II, and Pharmacology;
  6. National Occupation Trades and Industry Examination (NOCTI);
  7. Special examinations administered by university departments.

The maximum number of credits that may be earned in any combination of these examinations is 60 semester credits toward a bachelor’s degree. Credit earned by examination does not apply toward satisfying the university’s resident-credit requirement for graduation.

Native speakers of a language other than English may not receive lower-division foreign language credit for courses in their native language.

Each student is responsible for completing the various examinations and for requesting official score reports be sent directly to the university’s Office of Admissions and Records.

Information regarding test centers, test dates, costs and registration may be obtained online or as indicated below. Students may also gain examination information by writing directly to the respective testing organizations.

  1. CBAPE, Box 23060, Oakland, CA 94623-2306
    Advanced Placement (AP) examinations are administered each May in high schools, but not at the colleges. High school students must make arrangements through their school principals or AP coordinators by January to take the AP examinations. For the University of Nevada, Reno, the CBAPE institutional code to receive score reports is 4844.
  2. CLEP, Box 23060, Oakland, CA 94623-2306
    College-Level Examinations are administered only by colleges. Individuals may take the examinations during the third week of each month at any of the 700 test centers in the United States, including at Truckee Meadows Community College. Individuals taking the college-level examinations should note that certain examinations require an essay in addition to the objective section of the test.
  3. IB, 200 Madison Ave., Ste. 2007, New York, NY 10016
    International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations are administered primarily each May in high schools, but not at the colleges. High school students must make arrangements with their IB coordinator to take the IB examinations.
  4. Excelsior College Examinations, Admissions Office,
    7 Columbia Circle, Albany, NY 12203-5159
    Website:; email:
    Military personnel may contact the Base Education Center for test information. Contact UNR academic department to verify examination acceptability prior to registering for examination.
  5. NLN Examinations, 10 Columbus Circle, New York, NY 10019

    National League for Nursing examinations (Profile 11) may be taken at selected sites. Contact an advisor in nursing for more information.

The evaluation status of any examination may be modified when there is adequate justification to change the amount of credit to be granted.

It is the student’s responsibility to request that score reports and essays, as required, are sent to the Office of Admissions and Records.

College Board Advanced Placement  Examination (CBAPE)

These examinations are for students in high school. Upon receipt of an official score report from the College Board, the Office of Admissions and Records assigns a grade of “TST” and grants credit as specified below. A maximum of 60 semester credits may be earned in any combination of non-traditional learning examinations and applied towards a bachelor’s degree.

History 3, 4, or 5 Art Elective (3 cr.)
Studio Art 3, 4, or 5 Art Elective (3 cr.)
  3 BIOL 100  Lecture (3 cr.)*
  4 or 5 BIOL 190  (3 cr.) and BIOL 191  (3 cr.)**

*(Meets a University Core Curriculum Natural Science requirement only after successful completion of the laboratory portion of BIOL 100  at UNR. COntact the Biology Department to enroll in 1 credit of independent study to complete the lab requirement.

**(Meets a University Core Curriculum Natural Science requirement and biology major requirement only after successful completion of BIOL 192 .)

  3 CHEM 121A  (3 cr.)
  4 or 5 CHEM 121A  (3 cr.) and CHEM 122A  (3 cr.)
(Meets a University Core Curriculum Natural Science and chemistry major requirement only if the Chemistry Department certifies that the student has completed an appropriate, advanced chemistry laboratory in high school; or after successful completion of CHEM 121L  and CHEM 122L .)
Computer Science
Computer Science A 3, 4, or 5 CS 135  (3 cr.)
Computer Science AB 3
4 or 5
CS 135  (3 cr.)
CS 135  (3 cr.) and CS 202  (3 cr.)
Microeconomics 3, 4, or 5 ECON 102  (3 cr.)
Macroeconomics 3, 4, or 5 ECON 103  (3 cr.)
English Language & Composition 3
4 or 5
ENG 101  (3 cr.)
ENG 101  (3 cr.) and ENG 102  (3 cr.)
English Literature & Composition 3
4 or 5
ENG 101  (3 cr.)
ENG 101  (3 cr.) and ENG 297  (3 cr.) OR
ENG 101  (3 cr.) and ENG 102  (3 cr.) when ENG 104  is taken.
(No more than 6 credits may be awarded for AP exams in English.)
Environmental Science
  4 or 5 ENV 100  (3 cr.)
Foreign Languages
French, German, Spanish   FREN, GER, SPAN
Language 4 or 5 111 (4 cr.) and 112 (4 cr.)
Literature 4 or 5 111 (4 cr.) and 112 (4 cr.), 211 (3 cr.), 212 (3 cr.)
Latin   LAT
Vergil 3, 4, or 5 FLL 295  (2 cr.)
Literature 3, 4, or 5 FLL 295  (2 cr.)
Human Geography 4 or 5 GEOG 106  (3 cr.)
American 4 or 5 HIST 101  (3 cr.) and HIST 102  (3 cr.)
European 4 or 5 HIST 105  (3 cr.) and HIST 106  (3 cr.)
World 3, 4, or 5 History Elective (3 cr.)
Calculus A, B and A,B (subgrade) 3, 4, or 5 MATH 181  (4 cr.)
Calculus B, C 3, 4, or 5 MATH 181  (4 cr.) and MATH 182  (4 cr.)
Statistics 3, 4, or 5 STAT 152  (3 cr.)
Theory 3, 4, or 5 Music Elective (3 cr.)
B 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 151A  (3 cr.) and PHYS 152A  (3 cr.)
C (Mechanics) 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 180  (3 cr.)
C (Electricity & Magnetism) 3, 4, or 5 PHYS 181  (3 cr.)
Must complete appropriate physics laboratory courses (PHYS 151LA  , PHYS 152LA  , PHYS 180L PHYS 181L ) to meet University Core Curriculum Natural Sciences requirement.
Political Science
Government and Politics 3, 4, or 5 PSC 101  (3 cr.)
(Meets University Core Humanities 203 requirement ONLY after successful completion of PSC 100  (1 cr.) available via Independent Learning Department.)
Comparative Government & Politics 3, 4, or 5 PSC 211  (3 cr.)
  3, 4, or 5 PSY 101  (3 cr.)

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Credit may be granted and a grade of “S” assigned upon receipt in the Office of Admissions and Records of an official score report, showing completion of at least one general examination with a score of 50 or above, or subject examinations with a score of 50 or above. Such credit may need to be supported by a satisfactory essay, where specified.

The general examination(s) must be completed before the student achieves sophomore classification at the university. Subject examinations may be taken at any time.

An “e” notation in the chart below means an essay is required in addition to the objective test. This essay must be arranged with the appropriate academic department.

Examination University Course Equivalent Credit Granted
College Composition (including essay) ENG 101 , ENG 102   3 or 6 e1
Humanities None 6
College Mathematics MATH 120   3
Natural Sciences None 6
Social Sciences and History None 6
General Biology None 3 e
Principles of Management None 3
Principles of Accounting ACC 201 , ACC 202   6
Information Systems and Computer Applications IS 101   3
Introductory Business Law None 3 e
Principles of Marketing None 3 e
General Chemistry CHEM 121A   3e2
Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102   3
Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 103   3
Introduction to Educational Psychology None 3
American Literature    
Analysing and Interpretating Literature ENG 203   3 e
College Composition Modular (including essay) ENG 101   3 or 6 e3
English Literature    
Foreign Languages    
College French None 3
College German None 3
College Spanish None 3
U.S. History I: Early Colonizations to 1877 HIST 101 5 3 e
U.S. History II: 1865 to the present HIST 102 5 3 e
Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 HIST 105 5 3 e
Western Civilization II: 1648 to the present HIST 106 5 3 e
Human Development and Family Studies    
Human Growth and Development HDFS 201   3 e
Calculus MATH 181   4
College Algebra MATH 126R   3
Precalculus MATH 128   5
Political Science    
U.S. Government PSC 101 4 3 e
Introductory Psychology PSY 101 3 e
Introductory Sociology SOC 101   3 e

1 General English Examination: Scores earned prior to October 1978 or after April 1986 require a satisfactory essay and a score of 50 to 63 for three credits, or 64 or higher for six credits (which satisfies the English requirement at the University of Nevada, Reno).
2 Credit awarded only after successful completion of the laboratory course, CHEM 121L  (1 credit) at the University of Nevada, Reno.
3 English Subject Examinations: With an objective test score of 64 or higher and a satisfactory essay examination, six credits are granted (satisfying the English requirement at the University of Nevada, Reno).
4 Does not satisfy the Nevada Constitution requirement.
5 Does not satisfy the Core Humanities requirement.

Note: Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree may apply a maximum of 60 test credits to degree requirements. See “Requirements for Registration ” link in this catalog.

Credit by Special Department Examination

A regular, currently registered student in good academic standing, who has the knowledge and skills taught in a university course, may qualify to take an examination for credit, subject to these regulations:

  1. Credit may not be earned in a course which covers, at an elementary level, the subject matter of a more advanced course for which the student has already received credit.
  2. Credit by special examination may not be attempted in a particular course more than once.
  3. Credit by special examination may not be earned in a course the student has failed or audited until after one calendar year has passed.

Each department is responsible for determining the specific course offerings that are appropriate for credit by examination and for providing information to students that is consistent, objective, and fair. Each special examination should be equivalent to the same quality, content and grading standard as applied to the examinations administered to students who enrolled in the course.

Procedure: A student desiring to earn credit by examination must initiate an application in the Office of Admissions and Records where it is reviewed to determine eligibility. Each authorized applicant must then obtain written approval to take the examination from the advisor, the chairman of the department offering the course, and the dean of the college in which the student is registered. A $25 per course examination fee is payable at the Cashier’s Office. The completed application is submitted to the faculty member named by the department chairman to administer the examination.

Grading is on an S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) basis with the following exception: a student may receive a letter grade from A to F for a required course in the Core Curriculum or a student’s major or minor, upon the advance written approval of the advisor.

The final grade assigned and each completed examination must be filed in the Office of Admissions and Records by the instructor for recording to the student’s permanent academic record where it is treated as any other grade. The grade must be filed prior to the last day of instruction for the student to receive credit for that particular semester. Each examination is retained for five years in Admissions and Records and may be examined by any faculty member during that time.

For further information, direct specific questions regarding credit by examination policies and procedures to the Office of Admissions and Records.

Note: Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree may earn a maximum of 30 semester credits in courses graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) basis, subject to the approval of each college. See Requirements for Registration  ” link in this catalog.

Excelsior College Examinations (ECE) formerly ACT PEP Examinations

Excelsior College offers proficiency examinations in many academic areas that may count toward a degree program. Contact the appropriate academic department at the University of Nevada, Reno to ensure course equivalence and transferability prior to registering for the ECE exam.

Excelsior College Examinations Admissions Office
7 Columbia Circle
Albany, New York 12203-5159

International Baccalaureate (IB) Examination

The university grants credit and assigns a grade of “TST” for IB higher level examinations passed with scores of 5,6, or 7. Credit is not granted for the standard level examinations. A maximum of 24 credits may be granted for examinations completed through the IB diploma program. Evaluation is on a course by course basis with a maximum of eight semester credits in any one discipline. The applicability of IB credits towards satisfying specific major/degree requirements is determined by individual colleges and departments. A maximum of 60 semester credits may be earned in any combination of non-traditional learning examinations and applied towards a bachelor’s degree. The following examinations have been determined to have UNR course equivalence.

IB Examination Score Required University Course Equivalent
Anthropology 5, 6, 7 ANTH 101  (3 credits)
Biology 5 BIOL 100  * (3 credits)
  6, 7 BIOL 190 BIOL 191  * (6 credits)**
Chemistry 5 CHEM 121A  * (3 credits)
  6, 7 CHEM 121A  , CHEM 122A * (6 credits)
English (Lang A1) 5, 6 or 7 ENG 101 ENG 297 (6 credits)
French Language 5, 6 or 7 FREN 211 FREN 212  (6 credits)
Mathematics 5, 6, or 7 on Math w/Option 8: Statistics and Probability MATH 181  and STAT 152  (7 credits
  5, 6, or 7 on Math w/Option 9 or 11 MATH 181  (4 credits)
  5, 6, or 7 on Math w/Option 10: Series and Differential Equations - Topic 10 MATH 181  and MATH 182  (8 credits)
Physics 5 PHYS 151A  * (3 credits)
  6, 7 PHYS 151A , PHYS 152A * (6 credits)
Spanish Language 5, 6, 7 SPAN 211 SPAN 212  (6 credits)

*Meets university core curriculum natural science requirements only with the completion of the corresponding laboratory courses (for example, CHEM 121L  and CHEM 122L  , PHYS 151LA  and PHYS 152LA  ) or if the department certifies that the student has completed an appropriate advanced laboratory in high school. Contact the department for specific instructions. For BIOL 100  laboratory portion, contact the department to sign up for 1 credit of independent studies to complete the lab requirement.

**Meets a University Core Curriculum Natural Science requirement and biology major requirement only after successful completion of BIOL 192 .

National League for Nursing Placement Examination (NLN), Mobility Profile II

For graduates of non-National League for Nursing accredited associate degree and diploma programs.

A total of 29 upper-division credits may be granted for NLN Mobility Profile II examinations, completed with a decision score of 100 and/or an advising score of 70 percent. Upon receipt of an official score receipt, the Office of Admissions and Records grants credit, as specified, and assigns a grade of “TST”. The examinations may be taken at any time; scores are accepted for five years from the date of testing.

Examination University Core Equivalent Credits Granted
Care of the Adult Client NURS 300 , NURS 301R , NURS 301LR , NURS 317R , NURS 318   14
Care of the Client During Childbearing and Care of the Child NURS 353 , NURS 346   5
Pharmacology in Clinical Nursing NURS 331 , NURS 332   6
Care of the Client with Mental Disorders NURS 433 , NURS 346   4

The nursing curriculum is under review, and the above the course equivalents are subject to change.