The University of Nevada, Reno is the lead institution of the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) whose Central Office is located on campus in the Virginia St. Gym, Room 5. Students can choose summer, January, semester or yearlong programs, earn University of Nevada, Reno or transferable credits, participate in internships, service learning, field trips and much more as part of their experience. Programs are currently offered in Australia, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Ghana, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, and Turkey. Students may also reach USAC at (775) 784-6569, (866) 404-USAC,,, and
For more information on USAC programs, please see the Interdisciplinary and Special Programs chapter of this catalog.