University General Course Catalog 2016-2017 
    Sep 20, 2024  


It is the policy of the Board of Regents that Student Fees exist only in cases of additional administrative or other service costs incurred by the institution for a necessary student activity or requirement that are not specific to one course or type of course. Student Fees may be assessed to provide services to the students for (a) special events or activities (e.g., graduation), (b) special services provided by the institution (e.g., personal/group counseling including psychological and testing, health services, international student services), (c) third party pass-through charges (e.g., test administration or contracted health services), (d) special general instructional requirements (e.g., thesis fee). Funds generated from Student Fees may be spent for the intended purpose only. Mandatory fees required of all students or all students in a particular group, regardless of dollar amount, shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Regents.

All assessed fees are subject to change by the Board of Regents. For updated information on fees, please visit

Registration Fees

The registration fee for undergraduate-level courses (001-499) is $207.25 per credit, $7.00 per credit Technology Fee and $5.00 per credit ASUN Fee. Graduate-level courses (500-799) are $264.00 per credit, and a $7.00 per credit Technology Fee. Students who are exceptions to this fee policy include medical school students. Summer Session fees are published in the summer school publications.

Continuing education fees vary by course and program. Information about specific charges is available upon request from the Division of Extended Studies by calling (775) 784-4046.

Late Payment Fee

Students are expected to remit payment during the designated period and are assessed a late fee if they do not meet payment deadlines. The late fee is $25 for each day to a maximum of $250.

Tuition for Nonresidents

Tuition of $6,955.00 per semester is charged, in addition to the $207.25 undergraduate or $264.00 graduate per-credit registration fee, to students registered for at least seven credits or more, if those students are nonresidents of Nevada (excluding four-year medical students). This policy is in conformity with Sections 10.155 and 396.540, Nevada Revised Statutes. Each student is responsible for providing documentary proof of Nevada residence on the application provided by the Office of Admissions and Records.

A fee of $228.00 per undergraduate credit and $290.50 per graduate credit, in addition to the per-credit registration fee, is charged to nonresident students registered for six or fewer credits.

A fee of $228 per undergraduate credit, and $290.50 per graduate credit, is charged to nonresident students approved under the “Good Neighbor” policy. Effective Fall 2011, the Good Neighbor tuition was discontinued. Students receiving the discount at that time may continue to receive the discount so long as they are continuously enrolled.

Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Medical School Tuition Program

The tuition fee for medical students is $26,114 per year. Nonresident students are charged $55,464.00 per year.