University General Course Catalog 2020-2021 
    Oct 18, 2024  

Grade Changes, Grade Replacement, COVID-19 Grading Accommodations, and Grade Appeals

Grade Changes

After the final grades are filed in the Office of Admissions and Records, a grade may normally be changed only to correct a clerical error. Clerical corrections may be made through MyNevada for up to two weeks after the term grade due deadline. After that point, the instructor must file a completed Change of Grade Form in the Office of Admissions and Records. The form must be approved by the department chair and the dean of the college.

Grade Replacement Policy

Students may repeat a maximum of 30 credits (100-400 level) to replace original University of Nevada, Reno grades. The course(s) must be repeated and completed at the University of Nevada, Reno. The most recent grade earned in the course will be used in the grade-point calculation. Students who wish to utilize the grade replacement policy must file an application in the Office of Admissions and Records. Students may not apply for grade replacement for courses in which credit was earned by departmental exam or for courses in which they received a sanction for a Level C violation for academic dishonesty. Application for grade changes utilizing the Grade Replacement Policy will not be considered after degree conferral. Exceptions may be made to include courses where the course number varies, but the academic content is equivalent (i.e. MATH 126  and MATH 126E ).

Probation and dismissal status will not be removed from student transcripts after grade replacement is applied to the student record in cases where the grade point average is improved sufficiently to change the student’s status for the semester in question.

COVID-19 Related Grading Accommodations 

For courses taken in the regular Spring/Summer/Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 terms, after a letter grade has been posted to the student record, students may petition the Office of Admissions and Records to change their final letter grade to a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade. Because this change may cause unintended consequences, students must consult their academic advisor, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (if applicable), and their athletic advisor (if applicable) at a minimum prior to submitting their petition. Consultation with other offices may be suggested to assist students in making an informed decision. Petitions will be available online. Once a degree is posted, all grades are final. An “S” grade will meet all enrollment and degree progression/academic recognition requirements regardless of original letter grade; however, students are urged to be mindful of the academic preparation needed for success in subsequent coursework.

Grade translations for S/U COVID-19 Petition:  
  • Undergraduate:  S (Satisfactory) = D- or better; U (Unsatisfactory) = F
  • Graduate:  S (Satisfactory) = B- or better; U (Unsatisfactory) = C+ or lower
Other accommodations due to the outbreak:
  • All academic probation and dismissal policies are suspended for the 2020-2021 academic year.
  • Students may use the grade replacement policy to replace a grade earned in any undergraduate course taken in the regular Spring/Summer/Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 terms. For Spring/Summer/Fall 2020 terms and Spring 2021, units earned in courses processed via this grade replacement policy exception will not count toward the unit limit.

Grade Appeals

This policy describes the procedure by which a student may appeal a final course grade. A grade assigned by an instructor is only subject to the appeals procedure if:

  • There was a clerical/administrative error in the calculation and/or assignment of the grade;
  • The grade assignment was based on factors other than the student’s performance in the course and/or completion of course requirements; or
  • The grade assignment meant that the student was held to more demanding standards than other students in the same section of the course.

The burden of proof of these conditions rests on the student.

Students may not follow this procedure to appeal a grade received as a sanction for academic dishonesty. See the Academic Standards Policy  section of this catalog for information on appealing grades received for academic dishonesty. 

There are four possible processes in this grade appeal procedure:

  1. Student consults with instructor before filing a Grade Appeal;
  2. Student files a Grade Appeal using the online Concierge Service;
  3. Student meets with the department chair or with both the department chair and instructor; and
  4. Department chair appoints a grade appeal review committee.

1. Student consults with instructor
In the event that a student disagrees with a final grade received in a course, the student shall discuss the basis for the grade with the instructor. This allows clerical/administrative grade errors that are discovered to be corrected by the instructor by means of the Change of Grade Form without the necessity of filing an appeal. If the grade is still in dispute after consultation, then the student may initiate a Grade Appeal using the online Concierge Service. The consultation step can be skipped only if the instructor is unavailable or fails to respond within 10 working days. (For the purpose of this policy, working days refers to faculty academic contract days.)

2. Student files a Grade Appeal Form using the Online Concierge Service
If after consulting the instructor, the student still feels the grade assignment meets one of the three bulleted criteria above, and/or the student was unable to consult with the instructor, the student may submit a Grade Appeal using the Academic Complaint System located on the Concierge Service webpage.

The Grade Appeal Form must be filed no later than 10 working days after the start of the next spring or fall semester (whichever comes first) after the grade is assigned. The Concierge Service shall communicate the Grade Appeal to the relevant department chair within 2 working days.

3. Student meets with the Department Chair or with both the Department Chair and Instructor
The chair has a total of 30 working days after receipt of the Grade Appeal Form to contact the student, request a written response from the instructor, meet with the student or the student and the instructor to attempt to facilitate a resolution between the student and the instructor, and provide a written summary of the results of the process. A recommended schedule is as follows:

  • Within 5 days of the receipt of the Grade Appeal form, the Department chair should contact the instructor and the student to begin investigation of the situation.
  • The department chair requests a written response from the instructor.
  • The instructor has 5 working days to provide a written response to the chair concerning the appeal.
  • The chair should arrange a meeting with the student within 5 days of receiving the written response from the instructor.
  • The chair should complete the written summary of the results of that meeting within 5 days of meeting with the student and instructor.

If the chair is able to facilitate an agreement between the student and the instructor on the final grade within 30 working days after the receipt of the Grade Appeal, the agreed upon grade is considered final. If this grade is different from the original grade assigned by the instructor, a Change of Grade form will be filed by the instructor.

4. Department Chair appoints a Grade Appeal Review Committee
If the chair is unable to reach a resolution between the student and the instructor within 30 working days of receiving the Grade Appeal, the chair will appoint a Grade Appeal Review Committee and forward the Grade Appeal, along with the instructor’s response, to the Committee. The committee will consist of the following four members: one student currently enrolled at the institution, one faculty member from within the department, one faculty member from outside the department, and a committee chair (from within or outside the department). The student on the Grade Appeal Review Committee should have the same status as the student requesting a grade appeal. For example, an undergraduate student filing a grade appeal should have an undergraduate student on the Grade Appeal Review Committee while a graduate student should have a graduate student on the Grade Appeal Review Committee. The department chair should not serve on or chair the Grade Appeal Review Committee. The Grade Appeal Review Committee chair will chair the Committee and act as a non-voting member. While the instructor and the student may comment on the composition of the committee within 2 days of its appointment, the final decision on the committee’s composition rests with the department chair.

The Grade Appeal Review Committee does not have subpoena power. The principals (i.e., the student and the instructor) may not be represented by counsel. The hearing of the grade appeal by the committee is a closed meeting to be attended only by the Grade Appeal Committee, the student, and the instructor. The student or the instructor may waive his or her right to attend.

The Grade Appeal Review Committee may request additional materials from the student or instructor within 10 working days of the appointment of the committee, and those materials shall be provided to the Committee within 5 additional working days.

The Grade Appeal Review Committee will convene no later than 20 working days after it is appointed and receives the grade appeal materials, and will make a recommendation of grade assignment within 5 more working days.

The decision of the Grade Appeal Review Committee is determined by vote and a majority decision rules. The decision does not have to be unanimous. This decision is not subject to appeal. The dean, department chair, instructor, and student will be notified of the decision, and in case the decision involves a change from the original grade, the Registrar’s Office will be notified. A Change of Grade form will be filed by the department chair if the committee recommends a change of grade.

In all grade appeals, the final decision will be reported to the administrator of the Academic Complaint System for official documentation of the complaint and the decision.

Appealing Grades Received for Improper Withdrawal: Under certain circumstances, students who do not withdraw from the university in accordance with official procedures may appeal the grades they have received that semester. The appeal procedure applies only to emergency or hardship situations, defined as follows:

  • Personal illness or accident involving extended hospitalization.
  • Sudden and unexpected departure from the area resulting in the student’s inability to return to the university, e.g., death in the immediate family, induction to military service.

The appeal must be made for all course work in the semester in question. It is the student’s responsibility to support the appeal with written, documented evidence, such as an official hospital record, to substantiate the claimed hardship.

Students who meet the specified criteria and elect to file an appeal must submit a written statement with supporting documentation to the registrar.

Appealing Grade Received for Improper Withdrawal from an Individual Course: Under extraordinary conditions a student who does not withdraw from an individual course in accordance with official procedures may appeal the grade received in that course. The appeal procedure applies only to emergency or hardship situations. Specifically, the appeal must be supported by documented evidence that explains the extenuating circumstances and states the reasons the student is applying for a withdrawal from only one course. A student who meets the specified criteria and elects to file an appeal must submit a written statement, official documentation, and a departmental memorandum of support signed by the instructor of the course, the chair of the department, and the dean of the college. The appeal and supporting documents should be submitted to the registrar. All properly documented cases that satisfy the above criteria will be forwarded to the Student Appeals Board for final review and recommendation. This appeal procedure is not meant to relieve the student of grades received simply for poor performance in the class at issue. Students may not apply for improper withdrawal from courses in which they receive a sanction for academic dishonesty.