- February 1, Monday | Deadline for scholarship/WUE consideration
- April 7, Wednesday | Application deadline for first-year applicants
- June 15. Tuesday
- Housing payment due
- Deadline to cancel housing and only forfeit security deposit
- TBA | Orientation Express
- TBA | Orientation Express
- TBA | Orientation Experience
- TBA | Orientation Experience
- July 1, Thursday | Application deadline for transfer and second bachelor’s applicants
- TBA | Orientation Express
- TBA | Orientation Transition
- TBA |Orientation Experience
- TBA | Orientation Experience
- TBA | Orientation Transition
- TBA | Orientation Experience
- July 31, Saturday | Deadline to cancel housing and only forfeit down payment
- TBA | Orientation Express
- August 13, Friday
- Application deadline for non-degree applicants
- Final day to apply for change of residency for fall semester
- August 15, Sunday | NevadaFIT opening ceremony
- August 16, Monday | Fall semester faculty reporting date
- August 19, Thursday | New graduate student orientation and reception
- August 20, Friday
- Application deadline for returning student applications
- Final day for initial registration
- Fall semester fees due; final day to pay all fees without incurring late payment fees
- First payment due for those students on payment plan
- Late fees assessed
- August 23, Monday | First day of classes
- August 27, Friday | Final day to add or swap classes without permission from instructor
- September 1, Wednesday
- Final day to receive a 100% refund if dropping individual classes
- Final day to change from a letter grade to S/U or S/U to a letter grade or audit
- Final day to add or swap classes with permission from instructor
- No refunds after this date unless completely withdrawing from the University; 50% refund for complete withdrawal begins
- September 6, Monday | Labor Day (campus closed; no classes)
- September 20, Monday | Second fee payment due for those on payment plan
- October 1, Friday
- Deadline to apply for December graduation
- Final day to receive a 50% refund if completely withdrawing from the University
- October 20, Wednesday | Final fee payment due for those on payment plan
- October 27, Wednesday
- Final day to drop classes and receive a “W”
- Final day to change from credit to audit
- No dropping of individual classes after this deadline
- October 29, Friday | Nevada Day (campus closed; no classes)
- November 11, Thursday | Veteran’s Day (campus closed; no classes)
- November 25, Thursday | Thanksgiving Day (campus closed; no classes)
- November 26, Friday | Family Day (campus closed; no classes)
- December 3, Friday | Final day for submitting thesis/dissertation and notice of completion with Graduate School for December graduation
- December 4, Saturday | Commencement
- December 8, Wednesday | Prep Day
- December 9, Thursday | Finals week begins
- December 15, Wednesday
- Instruction Ends
- On-campus residence hall move out
- December 17, Friday | Fall semester ends,last day faculty on campus for fall semester
- December 20, Monday | Faculty to post final grades in MyNEVADA - 5 p.m.
- December 24, Friday | Christmas Holiday (campus closed)
Number of Class Days (Monday, Aug. 23 , through Wednesday, Dec 15. ): 16 Mondays, 17 Tuesdays, 16 Wednesdays, 14 Thursdays, 14 Fridays = 77 days
- November 1, Monday | Enrollment for spring semester and Wintermester begins
- December 15, Wednesday | Application deadline for first-year, transfer, and second bachelor’s applicants
- December 27, Monday
- Wintermester classes begin
- Wintermester fees due; final day to pay Wintermester fees without incurring late payment fees
- December 28, Tuesday
- Final day to receive a 100% refund for Wintermester
- Final day to enroll in Wintermester class
- December 29, Wednesday | Final day to drop Wintermester classes and receive a 50% refund
- December 31, Friday | New Year’s Day (campus closed)
- January 6, Thursday
- Final day to withdraw from Wintermester classes and receive a “W”
- Final day to change Wintermester class from credit to audit
- January 7, Friday
- Final day to apply for change of residency for spring semester
- Application deadline for non-degree applicants
- January 13, Thursday | New graduate student orientation and reception
- January 14, Friday
- Wintermester instruction ends
- Spring semester fees due; final day to pay all fees without incurring late payment fees
- First payment due for those students on payment plan
- Final day for initial registration
- Application deadline for returning student applications
- Application deadline for Graduate Special students
- Residence halls open
- January 15, Saturday | Late fees assessed
- January 17, Monday | Martin Luther King Day (campus closed; no classes)
- January 18, Tuesday
- Final Grades due for Wintermester classes by 5 pm in MyNEVADA
- First day of classes
- January 24, Monday | Final day to add or swap classes without permission from instructor
- January 27, Thursday
- Final day to receive a 100% refund if dropping individual classes
- Final day to change from a letter grade to S/U or S/U to a letter grade or audit
- Final day to add or swap classes with permission from instructor
- No refunds after this date unless completely withdrawing from the University; 50% refund for complete withdrawal begins
- February 14, Monday | Second fee payment due for those on payment plan
- February 21. Monday | President’s Day (campus closed; no classes)
- February 26, Saturday | Final day to receive a 50% refund if completely withdrawing from the University
- March 1, Tuesday | Deadline to apply for May graduation
- March 12-20 | Spring Break (campus open; no classes)
- March 14, Monday | Final fee payment due for those on payment plan
- March 21, Monday | Summer Session registration starts
- March 29, Tuesday
- Final day to drop classes and receive a “W”
- Final day to change from credit to audit
- No dropping of individual classes after this deadline
- April 1, Friday | Fall semester enrollment begins
- May 4, Wednesday | Prep Day
- May 5, Thursday | Finals week begins
- May 6, Friday | Final day for submitting thesis/dissertation and notice of completion with Graduate School for May graduation
- May 11, Wednesday
- Instruction ends
- On-campus residence hall move out
- May 12-14 | Commencement
- May 16, Monday
- Faculty to post final grades in MyNEVADA - 5 p.m.
- Spring semester ends, last day faculty on campus for spring semester
Number of Class Days (Tuesday, Jan. 18 , through Wednesday, May 11 ): 14 Mondays, 16 Tuesdays, 15 Wednesdays, 15 Thursdays, 15 Fridays = 75 days.
- May 13, Friday
- Mini and Regular Session fees due; final day to pay Mini and Regular Session fees without incurring late payment fees
- First Summer payment due for students on a payment plan
- May 16, Monday | Mini and Regular Session classes begin
- May 17, Tuesday
- Final Day to add Mini Session classes
- Final day to receive a 100% refund for Mini Session
- Final day to change a Mini Session class from letter grade to S/U or S/U to letter grade or audit to credit
- May 18, Wednesday | Final day to drop Mini Session classes and receive a 50% refund
- May 25, Wednesday
- Final day to add Regular Session classes
- Final day to receive a 100% refund for Regular Session classes
- Final day to withdraw from a Mini Session class and receive a “W”
- Final day to change a Mini Session class from credit to audit
- May 28, Saturday | Final day to drop Regular Session classes and receive a 50% refund
- May 30, Monday | Memorial Day (campus closed; no classes)
- June 1, Wednesday | Deadline for August graduation applications
- June 3, Friday
- Mini Session instruction ends
- First Session fees due; final day to pay First Session fees without incurring late payment fees
- June 6, Monday
- Mini Session grades due
- First Session classes begin
- June 8, Wednesday
- Final day to receive a 100% refund for First Session classes
- Final Day to add First Session classes
- Final day to change a First Session class from letter grade to S/U or S/U to letter grade or audit to credit
- June 10, Friday | Final day to drop First Session classes and receive a 50% refund
- June 13, Monday | Second Summer payment due for students on a payment plan
- June 23, Thursday
- Final day to withdraw from First Session classes and receive a “W”
- Final day to change First Session class from credit to audit
- July 4, Monday | Independence Day (campus closed; no classes)
- July 7, Thursday | Final day to withdraw from a Regular Session class and receive a “W”
- July 8, Friday
- First Session instruction ends
- Second Session fees due; final day to pay Second Session fees without incurring late payment fees
- July 11, Monday
- First Session grades due
- Second Session classes begin
- July 13, Wednesday
- Final day to receive a 100% refund for Second Session classes
- Final day to add Second Session classes
- Final day to change a Second Session class from letter grade to S/U or S/U to letter grade or audit to credit
- Final Summer payment due for students on a payment plan
- July 15, Friday | Final day to drop Second Session classes and receive a 50% refund
- July 28, Thursday
- Final day to change a Second Session class from credit to audit
- Final day to withdraw from Second Session classes and receive a “W”
- August 5, Friday | Deadline for submitting thesis/dissertation and Notice of Completion with Graduate School for August graduation
- August 11, Thursday | Second & Regular Sessions instruction ends
- August 12, Friday | Final Grades for all Summer term classes due by 5 pm in MyNEVADA