University General Course Catalog 2021-2022 
    Feb 14, 2025  

Transfer Center

The Transfer Center is a centralized resource for prospective transfer students needing information on admissions procedures, bachelor’s degree requirements, transferability of course work and system transfer agreements. Currently enrolled undergraduates with transfer work may also contact the center with questions concerning their Transfer Credit Report or to submit a Request for Core Curriculum Review of Additional Transfer Courses. For further information, call (775) 784-4700 option 1 or visit the Office of Prospective Students on the first floor in the Fitzgerald Student Services Building.



Board of Regents Handbook Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 15

Transfer students to the State College and universities may be admitted under the following alternatives: 

1. Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), and Associate of Business (AB) Degree Graduates

The primary basis for admission to upper-division study with full junior status of transfer students from an NSHE community college to any other NSHE institution shall be the associate of arts, associate of science, and the associate of business degrees. 

  1. The completion of the associate of arts, associate of science, and associate of business degree at a community college automatically fulfills the lower-division general education requirements at any other NSHE institution.
  2. Associate of arts, associate of science, and associate of business graduates will have completed a minimum of 60 credits of baccalaureate level courses.
  3. Baccalaureate students who have completed NSHE associate of arts, associate of science, or associate of business degree shall complete a minimum number of credits at the accepting NSHE institution. This minimum number shall be set by the baccalaureate degree granting institution.
  4. Baccalaureate level courses included as part of the associate of arts, associate of science, or associate of business degree will transfer to any other NSHE institution at a minimum as general elective credit.
  5. All baccalaureate academic majors at a university or college must have current transfer agreements with NSHE community colleges. These agreements must provide clear information for community college students as to those courses that will transfer efficiently to another NSHE institution within each major. Information on these agreements must be available to all students on each campus.
  6. Transfer agreements shall be developed collaboratively by both the baccalaureate degree-granting institution and the associate degree-granting institution for each baccalaureate program where a corresponding associate program exists. Absent a corresponding associate program, the transfer agreement shall be based on the general transfer degree (AA, AS or AB with no emphasis or major). A co-admission agreement, as authorized under Chapter 16, may be established to accommodate course requirements and potential reverse transfer pursuant to this Chapter. Transfer agreements must include a year-by-year outline of course requirements, including general education and degree requirements, in which the course of study leading to the baccalaureate degree includes the first two years coursework that will result in completion of the requirements for an associate degree.
  7. Transfer agreements shall be updated to reflect any changes made in baccalaureate majors or associate degree requirements as they occur.
  8. The receiving institution will evaluate all university and college parallel courses attempted at the community college (and any other educational institution attended) and compute an overall admission grade point average in accordance with the institution’s transfer policies.
  9. For associate of arts, associate of science, and associate of business graduates, if the overall transfer grade point average computed by the receiving institution is less than a 2.0 grade point average, the student shall be placed on probationary status until such grade point deficiencies are corrected.

2. Other Associate Degrees

Other associate degrees and certificates may be awarded by a community college for programs that have requirements different from the associate of arts, associate of science, associate of business, or a primary objective of transfer. A student with an associate degree other than an associate of arts, associate of science, or associate of business is not guaranteed junior status at a receiving institution.

3. Associate of Applied Science and Bachelor of Applied Science Degrees

  1. The Bachelor of Applied Science degree is a four-year occupationally specific degree that is intended to respond to the needs of the workforce. A student with an Associate of Applied Science degree in a program approved by the Board of Regents seeking a Bachelor of Applied Science degree is guaranteed junior status upon transfer to another applicable NSHE institution.
  2. Transfer agreements must include a year-by-year outline of course requirements, including transfer general education and degree requirements, in which the course of study leading to the Bachelor of Applied Science degree includes the first two years coursework that will result in completion of the requirements of an associate of applied science degree.

4. Non-Associate Degree Admissions

  1. Approved baccalaureate level courses shall be transferable to another NSHE institution at a minimum as general elective credit.
  2. Community college students should be strongly encouraged to complete their lower-division programs and an associate degree before transfer, but qualified students may apply for transfer at their own discretion.
  3. An applicant who does not satisfy university admission requirements upon graduation from high school must complete the equivalent of 24 semester credits in baccalaureate level courses with an overall grade point average of at least 2.50 at a community college or other accredited institution and must place into college-level English and mathematics courses or have completed college-level English and mathematics prior to transfer to qualify for university admission.
  4. An applicant who does not satisfy State College admission requirements upon graduation from high school must complete the equivalent of 12 semester credits in baccalaureate level courses with an overall grade point average of at least 2.00 at a community college or other accredited institution to qualify for State College admission.
  5. A course with a “D-” grade or better will be accepted for transfer provided the institution specific overall grade point average established in Subsections c. and d. above is maintained. Transfer courses with a “D-” grade or better will count towards a bachelor’s degree in the same manner as “D-” grades or better obtained by students enrolled in the lower-division at a State College or university. Credits from courses transferred with a “D-” grade or better count towards credit earned for a baccalaureate; however, it is at the discretion of the department or college offering the major as to whether courses with “D-” grades in the major satisfy requirements in the major field.


Board of Regents Handbook Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 17

1. A transfer course is one that is acceptable by a receiving NSHE institution to apply toward an approved degree program at that institution.

2. All baccalaureate level courses are transferable. In general, a baccalaureate level course is one that is commonly offered by a regionally accredited four-year educational institution as being applicable toward a bachelor’s degree. Some courses within an AAS degree may be applicable only toward a BAS degree if that degree is offered by the receiving institution.

3. Each institution shall determine the acceptability of general elective transfer courses, and departmental, college, or other requirements or equivalents shall be forwarded to the appropriate department or college for course evaluation. If general elective credit from a non-NSHE institution is granted by one NSHE institution, then all NSHE institutions shall accept the credit unless the facts on which the original decision was based have changed. Appropriate consultation with the faculty is required throughout the evaluation process.

4. A receiving institution shall not require a transfer student to take examinations to validate credit in those courses that are approved as transferable.

5. Application of credits toward degree requirements is the responsibility of the college and department in which the student is seeking a degree. Validation of course content may be required when lower-division courses are used to satisfy upper-division curricular requirements.

6. Pursuant to Nevada Revised Statutes 396.568, an NSHE institution shall not require a student to repeat a course on transfer to a university or State College if an equivalent course was taken and successfully completed at any other NSHE institution, except for programs that have defined a time limit for completion.

  1. Each NSHE institution shall evaluate military transcripts pursuant to Title 4, Chapter 14, Section 21.
  2. Student Appeals
    1. If the institution denies the transfer of credit or the articulation of the credit to the student’s degree requirements, the student may appeal the institutional decision.
      1. Each institution shall establish an appeal process that must be made available to all students and posted on the institution’s website.
      2. Courses identified as non-transferrable in the student information system or the originating institution’s catalog are not subject to appeal.
      3. The institution shall notify the student in writing of the final outcome of the appeal and, if transfer credit or the articulation of credit is denied, the reason for the denial.
    2. After all institutional appeal processes are exhausted, a student may submit a request for reviewof the final institutional decision to the NSHE Articulation Coordinating Committee in accordance with Section 14 of this Chapter.