University General Course Catalog 2022-2023 
    Sep 27, 2024  

8. Course Descriptions

Note: Sequencing rules in effect for many Math courses prohibit students from earning credit for a lower numbered Math course after receiving credit for a higher numbered Math course. Sequencing rules are included in the course descriptions of applicable courses.



  • MUS 715 - Introduction to Ethnomusicology Graduate Seminar

    (3 units)
    Ethnomusicology, or “the study of music in its social and cultural contexts,” constitutes a broad, interdisciplinary field of engagement with “music,” “sound,” and “culture.” Historically bound to the study of “non-Western” or “World” musics, ethnomusicology emerged as a discipline concerned with human diversity and, accordingly, difference. In this seminar, we journey into the rich possibilities ethnomusicology offers for open encounter, exchange, and exploring human diversity.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. analyze music within the context of the seminar topic.
    2. speak and write about music with nuance.
    3. apply their knowledge of ethnomusicology to their area of specialization.

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  • MUS 719 - Teaching Music in Higher Education

    (1 unit)
    The purpose of this course will be to prepare DMA candidates for teaching on the collegiate level. It will serve as an examination of skills and ethics essential for securing and retaining a faculty position in music at the college or university level.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 1

    Prerequisite(s): Doctoral standing.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 1
    Offered: Every Fall

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with various teaching assignments in music.
    2. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with undergraduate course design in music.
    3. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with general syllabi and criteria.
    4. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with individual student learning styles.
    5. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with active learning in music classrooms.
    6. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with assessment and grading methods.
    7. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with job searches in music classrooms.
    8. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with expectations of music faculty in higher education.
    9. demonstrate an understanding of the role of music faculty in higher education and have a familiarity with criteria for successful careers in music teaching.

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  • MUS 721 - Choral Conducting

    (2 to 3 units)
    This course meets the choral conducting requirements for the DMA in choral music.Skills required for effective direction of choral groups.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 12

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 2 to 3
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate clear conducting patterns.
    2. analyze a choral score, allowing the conductor to fix problems within an ensemble.
    3. explain through gesture and vocal technique how to create a healthy choral sound.
    4. understand and perform a variety of choral literature throughout various historical periods.

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  • MUS 722 - Instrumental Conducting

    (2 to 3 units)
    Advanced techniques of instrumental conducting. The techniques of interpretation and study of band and orchestra scores.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 12

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 2 to 3
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate clear conducting patterns.
    2. analyze full symphonic band scores.
    3. speak and write in detail about historical context compositional features as related to band music.

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  • MUS 723 - Advanced General Music Methods

    (3 units)
    Investigation of approaches in teaching general music including the Orff Schulwerk Approach, The Kodaly Method, and Comprehensive Musicianship.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered: Every Spring - Even Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a deep knowledge of various general music pedagogical approaches through discussions, research, assignments, and projects and use that knowledge to compare these approaches to each other.
    2. integrate and apply knowledge of child development and musical development with general music approaches into lesson planning.
    3. sing, play, and teach a body of songs, games, and activities appropriate for children in grades K-6.
    4. create and implement clearly written, age-appropriate lesson plans intended for use in the elementary music classroom that incorporate carious pedagogies and philosophies.
    5. evaluate and reflect upon own and others’ teaching philosophies through discussions and assignments.

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  • MUS 724 - Music in Early Childhood

    (3 units)
    Musical characteristics and abilities of infants and children up to 7 years of age. Suitable materials and musical experiences, techniques involving children in a laboratory setting.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered: Every Spring - Odd Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. discuss the evolution of music in American early childhood education in the past, present, and future.
    2. explain the role of early childhood caregivers and educators in the musical nurturing of young children.
    3. explain the development of the young child in terms of physical, intellectual, and musical growth and apply that knowledge to plan a variety of developmentally-appropriate activities.
    4. discuss current research regarding musical development in children and apply it to develop qualitative research.
    5. take part in and observe musical activities with children ages 0-6.
    6. evaluate early childhood programs and recordings.

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  • MUS 725 - Seminar in Wind Conducting

    (1 unit)
    A course designed to further content knowledge, thinking, and synthesis in the areas of wind band history, conducting, teaching, and repertoire. The course blends student presentations, instructor lecture, readings, and special projects.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Independent Study: 1
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. understand and synthesize ideas, facts, and concepts regarding the history of the wind band.
    2. understand and synthesize ideas, facts, and concepts regarding wind band repertoire.
    3. understand and synthesize ideas, facts, and concepts regarding conducting and its pedagogy.

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  • MUS 731 - Advanced Music History I

    (3 units)
    Intensive study of western music from the Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque periods.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered: Every Spring - Even Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. analyze the variety of social, cultural, migrational, ethnic, and gendered contexts that inform music to 1750.
    2. speak and write about music with nuance.
    3. apply their knowledge of music history to their area of specialization.

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  • MUS 732 - Advanced Music History II

    (3 units)
    Intensive study of western music from the Classical, Romantic and Modern periods.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered: Every Fall - Even Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. analyze the variety of social, cultural, migrational, ethnic, and gendered contexts that inform music since 1750.
    2. speak and write about music with nuance.
    3. apply their knowledge of music history to their area of specialization.

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  • MUS 740 - Music Education Research & Resources

    (3 units)
    Introduction to music education research literature, techniques, interpretation of research findings, research design in descriptive, experimental and philosophical studies; use of computer searches.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered: Every Fall - Even Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. identify historical and current areas of interest in music and/or teaching and their potential research pathways.
    2. read, examine, understand, and apply quantitative and qualitative research methods commonly employed in the music education field.
    3. read, analyze, and interpret research related to music and/or teaching for its content and its logistical research methodology.
    4. formulate a research purpose and problem statement, and to locate and critically review the relevant literature and present them in an appropriate scholarly format.
    5. develop fluency in APA style guidelines.

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  • MUS 741 - Master’s Seminar in Music Education

    (3 units)
    Discussion with significant new directions in elementary and secondary music curricula and education approaches.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered: Every Fall - Odd Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. identify significant and contemporary books on music education.
    2. relate multiple authors’ idea and multiple issues in music teaching with their own and others’ experiences to gain a broader perspective of the field.
    3. reflect on and discuss authors’ ideas, expressing the influence and usefulness of these ideas on their own future teaching.
    4. articulate original ideas as well as scholarly research through discussions and assignments and present them in an appropriate scholarly format.
    5. develop fluency in APA style guidelines.

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  • MUS 747 - Instrumental Music Pedagogy

    (3 units)
    Explores the rationale and procedures for developing a logical and appropriate course of study for individual instruction of instrumental performance.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 12

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Independent Study: 3
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. design and implement a course of study tailored to an undergraduate instrumentalist’s career goals.
    2. produce a written teaching philosophy detailing practical approaches to the instruction of students of varying levels.
    3. efficiently solve common instrumental issues through observed teaching and written reflection.

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  • MUS 774 - Seminar in Music Theory

    (3 units)
    Music theory in an area of faculty specialty. 

    Maximum units a student may earn: 9

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 709 Â or a Masters Degree in Music.

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Lecture: 3
    Offered: Every Spring - Even Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. distinguish and apply different systems of analysis appropriate for the specific musical style and analytical goals.
    2. analyze compositions written in the time period we are studying using specialized analytical systems to better understand the underlying unity of the works.
    3. construct a cohesive analysis of a composition using prose and diagrams and present it to the class.

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  • MUS 780 - Document

    (3 units)
    This document, limited in scope compared to a dissertation, demonstrates professional standards of scholarship and contributes to existing knowledge within the field of study.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 3

    Prerequisite(s): Departmental consent required.

    Grading Basis: Thesis/Dissertation
    Units of Independent Study: 3
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate professional standards of scholarship.
    2. contribute to existing knowledge within the field of study.
    3. produce publishable scholarly activity in a written document.

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  • MUS 790 - Seminar in Music

    (1 to 3 units)
    Special problems in music history or theory with their professional implications.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 6

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall - Odd Years

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. analyze music within the context of the seminar topic.
    2. speak and write about music with nuance.
    3. apply their knowledge of music history to their area of specialization.

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  • MUS 795 - Comprehensive Examination

    (1 unit)
    Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy.

    Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
    Units of Independent Study: 1
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate ability to speak knowledgeably about their field of specialization and, specifically, their thesis materials.

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  • MUS 796 - Final Project

    (3 units)
    For master of music (Plan B) students.

    Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
    Units of Independent Study: 3
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. combine multiple research and pedagogical areas of Master’s work into culminating projects.
    2. research and exhibit expertise on a specific topic through writing, discussions, and/or demonstrations.
    3. reflect on and analyze their own work and topic, using the others’ research to support their projects.
    4. discuss their expertise in some manner to a specific population.

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  • MUS 797 - Thesis

    (1 to 6 units)
    Grading Basis: Graded
    Units of Independent Study: X
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. combine multiple research and pedagogical areas of Master’s work into a culminating written thesis.
    2. demonstrate effective research in their area of specialization.
    3. defend their written research in a public defense.

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  • MUS 799 - Doctor of Musical Arts Recital

    (3 units)
    Presentation of a full adjudicated performance recital at the doctoral level.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 12

    Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
    Units of Independent Study: 3
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. rehearse and collaborate with other musicians as needed for specific works.
    2. demonstrate best performance practices and deep knowledge of the works according to professionally accepted standards.
    3. prepare the recital program and program notes in a timely manner advised by the main instructor.
    4. demonstrate the required knowledge to plan, organize and execute future recitals in a professional setting.
    5. identify resources to research the performance works.
    6. prepare self-assessment of their performance, including reflections for improvement for future performances.

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  • MUS 899 - Graduate Advisement

    (1 to 4 units)
    Provides access to faculty for continued consultation and advisement. No grade is filed and credits may not be applied to any degree requirements. Limited to 8 credits (2 semester) enrollment. For non-thesis master’s degree students only.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 8

    Grading Basis: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
    Units of Independent Study: X
    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

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Music: Applied

  • MUSA 101 - Bass–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 103 - Bassoon–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 105 - Cello–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 107 - Clarinet–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 109 - Drum Set–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 111 - Euphonium–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 113 - Flute–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 115 - Guitar–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 117 - Harp–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall, Spring, and Summer

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 119 - Harpsichord–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 121 - Horn–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 123 - Oboe–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 125 - Organ–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 127 - Percussion–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 129 - Piano–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 131 - Saxophone–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 135 - Trombone–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 137 - Trumpet–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 139 - Tuba–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 141 - Viola–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 143 - Violin–Lower Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 145 - Voice–Lower Division

    (1 to 3 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 12

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 149 - Vocal Or Instrumental Coaching

    (1 to 2 units)
    Repertoire coaching for undergraduate singers or instrumentalists.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 151 - Bass for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 152 - Bassoon for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 153 - Cello for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 154 - Clarinet for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 155 - Drum Set for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 156 - Euphonium for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 157 - Flute for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 158 - Guitar for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 159 - Harp for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall, Spring, and Summer

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 160 - Harpsichord for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 161 - Horn for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 162 - Oboe for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 163 - Organ for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 164 - Percussion for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 165 - Piano for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 166 - Saxophone for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 168 - Trombone for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 169 - Trumpet for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 170 - Tuba for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 171 - Viola for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 172 - Violin for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 173 - Voice for Non Majors

    (1 to 2 units) CO7
    Applied music instruction; includes style periods, literature, composers.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate increased technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate increased knowledge of a broad range of repertoire appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 301 - Bass–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 303 - Bassoon–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 305 - Cello–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 307 - Clarinet–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 309 - Drum Set–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 311 - Euphonium–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 313 - Flute–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 315 - Guitar–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 317 - Harp–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall, Spring, and Summer

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 319 - Harpsichord–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 321 - Horn–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 323 - Oboe–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 325 - Organ–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 327 - Percussion–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 329 - Piano–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 331 - Saxophone–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 335 - Trombone–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 337 - Trumpet–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 339 - Tuba–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 341 - Viola–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 343 - Violin–Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 345 - Voice-Upper Division

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 349 - Vocal Or Instrumental Coaching

    (1 to 2 units)
    Repertoire coaching for upper division singers or instrumentalists.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 16

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate a high level of technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate expanded knowledge of a broad range of repertoire past purely canonical works appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at an advanced level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their private practice, preparing them to better teach themselves for the rest of their lives.

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  • MUSA 701 - Bass–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 703 - Bassoon–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 705 - Cello–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 707 - Clarinet–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 709 - Drum Set–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 711 - Euphonium–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 713 - Flute–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 715 - Guitar–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 717 - Harp–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall, Spring, and Summer

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 719 - Harpsichord–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 721 - Horn–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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  • MUSA 723 - Oboe–Graduate Level

    (1 to 4 units)
    Applied music instruction.

    Maximum units a student may earn: 4

    Grading Basis: Graded
    Offered: Every Fall and Spring

    Student Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
    1. demonstrate at a professional level their technical proficiency on their instrument/voice.
    2. demonstrate their knowledge of a broad range of repertoire at a professional level, appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    3. demonstrate at a professional level their understanding of historical and conceptual trends within the performance tradition appropriate to their instrument/voice and idiom.
    4. apply advanced pedagogical techniques learned in lessons to their own teaching studios.

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