University General Course Catalog 2022-2023 
    Jan 14, 2025  

Core Objectives 1 & 3: Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information

Every student must complete ENG 102  or its equivalent.* Initial placement in Core Writing courses will be based on test scores, although students have additional placement options if they do not have test scores or feel that their test scores are not an accurate measure of their ability. Consult the Core Writing web pages for more information on different placement options.

This table details how test scores are typically used to place students into Core Writing classes:

English Course ACT English ACT ELA SAT ERW AP Language and Composition AP Literature and Composition
ENG 100I   less than 18 less than 20 less than 480 N/A N/A
ENG 101  / ENG 113   18-29 20 or higher 480-659 1 or 2 1 or 2
ENG 102  / ENG 114   30 or higher 32 or higher 660 or higher 3 or higher* 3 or higher*

Normally, students take ENG 100I ENG 101 , or ENG 113  during their first semester at the university and ENG 102  during the second semester**. Consult the Core Writing website for additional information about the difference between these three classes. 

* Students with an AP score of 4 or 5 on the Language and Composition exam may use their score to to fulfill the CO1 and CO3 requirement. Students with an AP score of 4 or 5 on the Literature and Composition exam may take ENG 104  in lieu of ENG 102 to fulfill the CO1 and CO3 requirement . ENG 114  may fulfill the CO1 and CO3 requirement for students for whom English is a second or additional language.

** For degree programs that do not include any elective units, taking ENG 100I to satisfy the prerequisite for ENG 102 will increase the total units for the degree.

ENG 102 builds a foundation for both CO1 and CO3, and these Core Objectives are then developed in the major and integrated into the Capstone Integration & Synthesis course:

  • Core Objective 1: Effective Composition & Communications. Students will communicate effectively using writing, speaking, or multimedia for scholarly, professional, or creative purposes.
  • Core Objective 3: Critical Analysis & Use of Information. Students will be critical consumers of information, able to engage in systematic research processes, frame questions, read critically, and apply observational and experimental approaches to obtain information.

Core English and Math Completion Policy    

Information for Transfer Students   

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