University General Course Catalog 2024-2025 
    Mar 31, 2025  
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025

Catalog Year

A student enrolled at a NSHE institution may elect to graduate under:

  • the catalog of the year of initial enrollment in a baccalaureate-level program,* or
  • the catalog of the year of the latest change of major,** or
  • the catalog of the year of graduation.

Under exceptional circumstances a student’s advisor may petition the University to award an alternative catalog year.

Whichever catalog is used, it cannot be more than 10 years old at the time of graduation.

*Students who leave a major may later return to it with their former catalog year if that catalog is less than 10 years old.

**Students who are initially placed in a pre-major retain their catalog year when they move from the pre-major to the major program.

In the case of NSHE transfer students, any exceptions to this policy will be handled by the Transfer Center and the transfer agreement contract process.

NSHE institutions do not guarantee the awarding of a degree based upon the unchanged requirements of a particular catalog. Periodic revisions of degree requirements are made because of advances in knowledge, changes in occupational qualifications or the expectations of accrediting authorities. If such revisions have occurred, the college may require a reasonable adherence to the degree requirements of a recent or current catalog.

Degrees, diplomas or certificates may not be granted unless all university requirements are fulfilled. A degree, diploma or certificate that is awarded in error, or upon fraudulent claims, will be revoked immediately and the student’s record will be corrected accordingly.