Every student must complete at least two History & Culture courses. These courses will satisfy CO5:
- Core Objective 5: History & Culture. Students will be able to describe the processes by which past and present societies have been created and perpetuated through their history, ideas, and cultural products. Students will engage both historical and contemporary cultural texts through critical reading, analysis, and interpretation in the context of culture, society, and individual identity.
Students in majors with few electives are strongly encouraged to take CH 203 , which also satisfies CO8, as one of their two History & Culture courses. Students who do not take CH 203 will need to take another course in their major or electives to satisfy CO8.
Students in majors that do not require a specific course to satisfy CO9 are encouraged to take CH 212 , which also satisfies CO9, as one of their two History & Culture courses. Students in majors that require a specific course to satisfy CO9 are encouraged to take either CH 201 or CH 202 instead.
Courses Verified for CO5
Information for Transfer Students
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