University General Course Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 18, 2025  
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025

Core Objective 12: Ethics

All students must satisfy CO12:

  • Core Objective 12: Ethics. Students will demonstrate understanding of the ethical principles in general or in application of specialized knowledge, results of research, creative expression, or design processes. Students will demonstrate an ability to recognize, articulate, and apply ethical principles in various academic, professional, social, or personal contexts.

This Core Objective can be satisfied by courses – or a sequence of courses – within the student’s major requirements or electives, and some General Education courses may also satisfy this objective. It cannot be satisfied by AP courses, higher-level International Baccalaureate exams, or credit by examination.

Courses that satisfy this objective should examine how individuals or societies may determine right from wrong in historical, contemporary, professional, and/or comparative contexts. They should enable students to: 1) identify an ethical issue and analyze that issue in relationship to the specific topic of study or discipline; 2) identify the specific entities being affected by the ethical dilemma; and 3) articulate why a specific course of action is ethically defensible.

Courses Verified for CO12  

Information for Transfer Students   

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