Emmanuel (Manos) Maragakis, Dean
132 Scrugham Engineering-Mines
(775) 784-6925
Mission Statement
The College of Engineering is focused on serving the State of Nevada, the nation and the world by:
- Providing an outstanding state-of-the-art broad education for engineering and computer science graduates that prepares them to collaborate and compete in a global environment;
- Pursuing high quality competitively funded fundamental and applied research to create new knowledge and innovative technologies to address the technological, societal and economic diversification needs of the state, the nation and the world;
- Participating in high quality outreach activities and industrial partnerships regionally, nationally and internationally; and,
- Fostering a culture of respect, inclusiveness and diversity among students, faculty and staff.
- The College of Engineering’s educational objectives are: Our students will be provided with a strong technical and cultural education for their profession or for continued graduate education in an area of specialization.
- Our graduates will have the ability to work individually and in teams to identify and solve complex engineering and computer science problems and will have developed an understanding of interdisciplinary problem solving and system design.
- Our graduates will have a multi-disciplinary technical and practical education which has prepared them for a rapidly changing world based on the commonality of knowledge that engineering and computer science disciplines provide. This will allow our graduates to be able to continuously meet professional objectives throughout their careers.
- A firm foundation will be provided for professional advancement not just through acquired, advanced engineering and computer knowledge, but also through communication, humanity and social science skills, team and group activities and ethical/professional responsibility as engineers and computer scientists.
The chemical, civil, computer science and engineering, electrical, environmental, materials science and engineering and mechanical engineering undergraduate programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org . The computer science and engineering undergraduate program is also accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, http://www.abet.org
Several internships are available, in which students may gain practical experience during the summer (three months), a semester, or for an academic year. For details, please refer to your major department. Contact the College of Engineering Internship and Career Support Coordinator at (775) 682-7736
Degree Programs
Baccalaureate Degrees: Upon satisfactory completion of the prescribed curriculum, engineering students are awarded the degree of bachelor of science in chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, engineering physics, environmental engineering, materials science and engineering or mechanical engineering.
Minors: The College of Engineering offers undergraduate minors in civil engineering, computer science and engineering, digital interactive games, electrical engineering, engineering physics, environmental engineering, materials science and engineering and mechanical engineering, nanotechnology*, renewable energy. Specific requirements can be found under the appropriate department or program. It is mandatory for students to satisfy all prerequisites before entering an engineering or computer science course.
*Interdisciplinary Programs.
In addition to the general university requirements of at least a “C” (2.0) GPA for graduation, all engineering minors must earn at least a “C” in those minor courses designated with an asterisk (*) and a “C” average for all courses used to satisfy the minor requirements.
Graduate Degrees: Subject to the general requirements of the university, the corresponding department and the UNR Graduate School, the following degrees may be earned.
- Master of Science: biomedical engineering*, chemical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering, and hydrological sciences*.
- Doctor of Philosophy: biomedical engineering*, chemical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, computer science and engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science and engineering and hydrological sciences*.
*Interdisciplinary Programs.
Differential Fee
The Nevada Board of Regents has approved a differential fee that applies to upper division (300-400 level) and graduate level courses in the College of Engineering. Please see the Cashier’s Office website for current fee structure: http://www.unr.edu/tuition-and-fees.
Engineering as a Preparatory Degree
Engineering majors currently have one of the highest rates of acceptance to U.S. medical schools. They also have an advantage over other majors in gaining acceptance to architecture, business, dental and law schools. However, engineering students may need to complete additional courses to gain the full benefits of their degree. Students interested in using engineering as a preparatory degree should consult with the associate dean.
Mathematics and Science Entrance Requirements
In addition to the university requirements for admission to the baccalaureate programs (see Admission section of this catalog), the College of Engineering specifically recommends the following entrance requirements for its degree candidates: four units of mathematics (including trigonometry or pre-calculus) and three units of science, including physics and chemistry, and a half year of computer programming. Advanced placement classes in calculus and science are particularly valuable.
All students must receive advisement each semester. All freshmen and incoming transfer students will be advised by the College of Engineering academic advisor. Students are not permitted to attend engineering classes without prior advisement from an engineering faculty representative.
Transfer Students
A student from outside the University of Nevada, Reno, who wishes to be accepted into the College of Engineering must follow general university policy for admission.
Engineering Progression (effective Fall 2014)
Only students who are eligible to enroll in MATH 181 (as demonstrated through placement tests) may enter specific major programs within the College of Engineering. Others may enter the undeclared engineering program. Undeclared engineering students must be admissible to a specific major program within four regular semesters (fall and spring).1
Students must complete the first year progression requirement (see the Academic Advising Report in MyNEVADA) before enrolling in upper-division engineering coursework.
To maintain good standing in the College of Engineering, students must:
- Complete the critical courses included in the first, second, and third year progression requirements on Academic Advising Reports in MyNEVADA (and marked with an asterisk in the program description in the catalog) with a “C” or better.
- Students may attempt critical courses a maximum of three times (including withdrawals).
- Maintain at least a 2.0 in the Engineering grade point average (included on the Academic Advising Report in MyNEVADA).
- Students whose Engineering grade point average falls below 2.0 are placed on program probation at the end of the fall and spring semesters.
- Students on program probation will be allowed two regular semesters to recover to at least a 2.0 if their major grade point average improves at the end of each probationary term (summer included). Access to a second regular semester is available only when it is possible for the student to reach a 2.0 by the end of the second semester.
Students who are not eligible to progress from the undeclared engineering program to a specific engineering major after four regular semesters and/or those who do not meet the progression and major grade point average requirements above will be removed from the College of Engineering and will be required to meet with an advisor in the University’s General Advising Center to select a new major.
After one year, undergraduate students who have been removed from the College of Engineering may petition to be reinstated on the basis of transcript evidence that they are now capable of meeting the College’s progression standards. A petition including a letter to the committee from the petitioner, letters of support from faculty and/or advisors, medical records, transcripts from transfer institutions, etc. must be submitted to the College Advising Office by April 1st to be reinstated for fall and by November 1st to be reinstated for spring.
1 Because the coursework is so interdependent, students who must complete preparatory courses, e.g., MATH 96 , MATH 126R , and/or MATH 127R should plan to attend summer school prior to their freshman year.
Baccalaureate Degree Requirements
The University Core Curriculum requirements are satisfied by engineering core and departmental major requirements. Transfer students may meet Core Curriculum and departmental requirements with similar course work from other colleges and universities.
In any major field of study, the degree requirements consist of the University Core Curriculum requirements and the departmental major requirements. To satisfy degree requirements, students must earn a total of at least 125 to 131 semester credits depending on the degree program.
Engineering students may register for a maximum of nine satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) credits in courses not specifically required in the core curriculum and departmental requirements. This limitation does not apply to AP credits transferred to the university.
In addition to the university requirement of at least a “C” (2.0) average for graduation, College of Engineering students must maintain at least a “C” average in the core mathematics, core science and the major requirements courses. College of Engineering students must also earn at least a “C” in courses designated with an asterisk (*) as shown in each of the degree requirements. For all College of Engineering students, courses requiring a “C” include MATH 181 , MATH 182 , MATH 283R , MATH 285 , CHEM 121A /CHEM 121L , PHYS 180 , PHYS 180L , PHYS 181 , and PHYS 181L . The “C” requirement applies to all students including transfers.
Most courses required by College of Engineering students have prerequisites and/or corequisites. Satisfying these requirements is mandatory. Course prerequisites will be enforced in the registration system. In order to register for a course, a student must satisfy the prerequisite requirement(s) or be currently enrolled in the necessary course. When the College of Engineering requires a “C” or better for a course, then this requirement must be met before continuing to a course that has it as a prerequisite.
FE Exam
All chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, material science and mechanical engineering students should enroll in ENGR 490 during their senior year to earn credit for completion of the national Fundamentals of Engineering Examination. Passing the FE exam is the first step toward becoming a licensed professional engineer, an important credential in the practice of engineering in many fields. In conjunction wit registration for ENGR 490, the student must complete the application process for the FE examination. Registration details can be found at the College of Engineering website at: http://unr.edu/engineering/forms/fe-exam.html or in the Dean’s office located in SEM 132. Alternately, students may satisfy the requirement by completion of a 3-credit, 400-level course selected within the student’s major, in consultation with the faculty advisor and approved by petition through the student’s major department.
If a grade earned in a required course (including technical electives) is a “C” (2.0) or above, a repeat grade will not be counted towards the engineering GPA. This does not apply to the university lower division grade replacement policy.
Field Trips: Course requirements in the College of Engineering may include field trips as an integral part of the educational experience. Field trips may be scheduled by the college’s student organizations and may also be organized by the college’s faculty to meet educational goals and needs.
Application for Graduation
Candidates for graduation should submit a graduation application one semester prior to the anticipated graduation date after meeting with the major advisor. The due dates for graduation applications can be found in the university’s online calendar and at the front of the general catalog. Only Admissions and Records can certify that a student has officially met all graduation requirements.
BS/MS Accelerated Program
An Accelerated BS/MS Program encourages outstanding students in the College of Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno to obtain a MS degree. A student can obtain either a Plan A (Thesis) or Plan B (non-thesis) MS degree.
Program Availability with the College of Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering - Both thesis and non-thesis options available for MS portion.
- Chemical and Materials Engineering - Only the thesis option will be available.
Admission Requirements
Students apply for the Accelerated Program after completing at least 75 credits towards their BS degree with a 3.2 GPA (only UNR courses are included in the GPA calculation). This will typically occur during the spring of their junior year. Students must have completed their Basic Science courses and at least 30 credits of Engineering Science or Design courses. At least 24 credits of the Engineering Science or Design classes must have been earned at UNR at time of application. As part of the admission process, a student must select a faculty advisor for their graduate degree. Students should contact their faculty advisor for details.
Program Requirements
Students who are admitted into the program will be allowed to take up to 6- credits of technical electives for their BS degree as 600-level graduate courses. The 600-level courses selected for this purpose must be approved by the student’s BS program department and graduate advisor, and permission granted by the Graduate School. 700-level courses cannot be taken as long as the student is an undergraduate. The student must receive a “B” or better in the course for it to be considered for the program. The graduate academic advisor must be in the area of specialization that the student has selected for their graduate degree. In order to stay in the program, a student must maintain at least a 3.2 GPA in their UNR degree required courses. Upon completion of all BS requirements, a student will receive the BS degree.
A student must complete the BS degree at UNR to be part of the Accelerated BS/MS Program.
During their senior year, student will apply for admission into the Graduate School.
The student must meet all the requirements of the Graduate School and the MS degree granting department. This may include a GPA and/or GRE requirement. Only 9 credits of graduate work can be completed before entering into the Graduate School. The GRE must be taken during the 1st semester of the student’s senior year. This application must be completed before completing the BS degree.
Students will complete all MS degree requirements and may apply the 6 credits of 600-level courses towards both the BS and MS degree requirements. For the MS degree, the student must meet the Graduate School requirement of an average of a 3.0 GPA in courses applied to the MS degree. Courses and/or thesis requirements will be established by the department graduate advisor.
Continuation in the Program
Continuation in the program requires that students maintain a grade point average of 3.2 or higher. If a student’s GPA drops below 3.2, the student will be placed on academic probation within the program for one semester. If the student raises their GPA to 3.2 or higher, he or she will be removed from probation and returned to good status in the program. If after one semester the student is not able to raise their GPA sufficiently, he or she will be removed from the Accelerated Program. At such point they may pursue a BS and MS degrees through normal requirements.
Financial Impact
Students should note that graduate courses do not apply towards the 12 credits required for full time undergraduate standing. In most cases, 12 credits are required for financial aid. Therefore during each semester in the senior year, 12 undergraduate credits should be taken in addition to 600-level courses. The 600-level courses will require payment of graduate credit tuition.