University General Course Catalog 2014-2015 
    Jan 02, 2025  

Affiliated Research, Service Organizations


As a full-time, environmental research and development organization, the Desert Research Institute (DRI) currently conducts scientific investigations in atmospheric physics, air quality, water resources, archaeology, and environmental and ecological responses to climatic change, among other fields. Faculty scientists also develop technology in support of research applications. DRI’s mission is to conduct important research for the state, the nation and the international scientific community–supporting the needs of industry and Nevada’s economic diversification objectives.

Established in 1959, the Desert Research Institute is the only one of the Nevada System of Higher Education’s seven operating divisions that does not award degrees. Members of DRI’s research faculty teach selected, technical subjects at the University of Nevada, Reno and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, an arrangement that provides the universities with additional expertise in highly technical curricula without the corresponding, full-time staffing requirements. Selected graduate students at the universities are also hired to support DRI researchers on contracted projects, providing underwritten topics for theses and dissertations.

The institute is currently staffed by nearly 500 full- and part- time professional scientists, technicians and support personnel housed in DRI office and laboratory facilities Reno, Las Vegas and Steamboat Springs, Colorado. DRI’s research projects have taken its staff to all 50 United States and to every continent on the planet.

Each of DRI’s three research centers concentrates on a distinct segment of the spectrum of environmental sciences, complementing and interacting with the others. Additionally, two new cross-cutting research centers focus on specific research initiatives, drawing faculty and support from all three main research divisions. In contrast to the traditional, discipline-based organization of academic institutions (e.g. chemistry, physics, geology, mathematics), each DRI division features a combination of the relevant scientific and technical fields for its particular research mission. The divisions also regularly collaborate with faculty from the university campuses in Reno and Las Vegas, as well as other universities or research groups, as needed.

Research Divisions and Centers at DRI

The Division of Atmospheric Sciences (DAS) conducts fundamental and applied research in the atmospheric sciences with programs in atmospheric chemistry, climate dynamics, large-scale dynamic meteorology, mesoscale dynamic meteorology, and physical meteorology. The division specializes in the development of instrumentation and techniques for atmospheric measurements and their use in laboratory studies as well as in ground-based, aircraft, and satellite observational programs. Scientists participate worldwide in research projects ranging from Australia to the Canary Islands and from the Arctic to the Antarctica.

The division’s scientists also conduct local and regional studies on air quality across the U.S. and in several foreign countries. Inorganic and organic chemistry laboratories allow analysis of human impacts on air quality, as well as detection and quantification of atmospheric pollutants, including toxic species, at trace levels. The division has also developed and applied advanced “source receptor” techniques to characterize air quality conditions in Reno, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Tucson, Denver, and central and southern California.

The division operates the Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC), one of six federally funded regional centers. The Climate Center conducts climate research and provides climate information to federal agencies, regional organizations, state and local bodies, and the private sector. Climate information is available on the 11 western states, Alaska, Hawaii and the Pacific trusts and territories.

The Division of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences (DEES) includes a variety of scientific approaches into the causes, mechanisms, and history of landscape change over a range of scales in space and time. Landscapes in this context include the geometric surface environment, the soils mantling the surface, and the vegetation and other biota (including humans) that inhabit and modify it. Among the divisions’ major research capabilities is the Frits Went Laboratory, providing four chambers for creating and observing ecosystems under precisely-controlled experimental and climatic conditions.

DEES scientists focus on major elements of environmental research involving geology and geomorphology, including geochronology and paleoecology (with an emphasis on the last million years of Earth history, the Quaternary Period); ecosystem sciences concerning the responses of plants and animals to changes in climate and anthropogenic factors, and on life in extreme environments; archaeology and anthropology involving human adaptations to dryland environments, prehistoric occupation in the Great Basin, and historic-period settlement and land use of the West; and remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) for modeling and visualizing landscape development, landscape modification, and environmental change.

The Division of Hydrologic Sciences (DHS) investigates the hydrologic, chemical, engineering, economic, and legal aspects of water resources. The division’s investigations include both water quality and quantity, involving activities such as the development of computer-simulation models for planning, managing and evaluating groundwater flow, and studies of geothermal resources and hydroelectric applications.

A major research program on the Nevada Test Site examines the movement of ground water in the region and the processes by which radionuclides are transported in the vast, arid region. A related program concerns environmental pollution of groundwater and is developing and testing new techniques for detecting, identifying, and containing hazardous wastes. Other research efforts examine existing water-management systems and the feasibility of new management techniques for conserving or increasing water supplies. The division also seeks to improve water analysis methods.

DRI’s new Center for Arid Lands Environmental Management (CALEM) addresses environmental management issues affecting desert ecosystems around the globe in an integrated and innovative way. Typically, CALEM brings together DRI scientists who specialize in looking at how impacts on individual ecosystem components –air quality, water supply, and soil conditions–might effect an entire desert ecosystem. This approach focuses on the processes that link those individual components together with the aim of developing predictive capabilities about the consequences of natural events and human activities.

Another approach to arid lands management being developed by CALEM researchers is based on a program known as “Alternative Futures”. Collaborating with researchers from other institutions, DRI scientists are combining socioeconomic models with geological information to predict the effects of population growth on the Mojave Desert in 10, 20, or even 30 years. Computer models create different scenarios depending on factors such as growth rates, population age and income levels, and whether growth is mainly residential or industrial. This innovative approach has great potential as a planning tool in the desert Southwest.

The Center for Watersheds and Environmental Sustainability (WES) was established to address issues of watershed management and restoration through interdisciplinary research teams. Mountain watersheds, in general, are poorly understood and are particularly susceptible to compromise by both natural and human forces. WES is initially focusing on new approaches for predicting watershed behavior and interpreting this knowledge to support watershed planning and management. Specifics include developing novel monitoring approaches to assess the health of watershed as well as new watershed information management and decision support tools. WES scientists are currently working on watershed issues relating to the Lake Tahoe Basin and Truckee River system, the Walker Lake and river system, the Las Vegas Wash and the Prairie Pothole Region of North and South Dakota.

The center’s facilities include: an Environmental Protection Agency-certified water-quality laboratory to support hydrogeologic, geochemical and biological studies; an isotope laboratory for groundwater-recharge investigations; extensive computer facilities; field analytical equipment; and a technical library.



The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ), founded in 1937, is America’s oldest national judicial membership organization, dedicated to improving course and systems practice and raising awareness of the core issues that touch the lives of many of our nation’s children and families.

A renowned and trusted authority on juvenile and family law matters, the NCJFCJ is the premier national resource for continuing education opportunities, research, publication development and dissemination, technical assistance, and policy development.

The NCJFCJ has been part of the University of Nevada, Reno community since 1969. Each year, NCJFCJ provides services including training (at its Reno headquarters and around the country), technical assistance, research, and publications for approximately 30,000 juvenile and family court judges and other justice system professionals. From its headquarters at the University’s Continuing Education Building, the NCJFCJ and the University of Nevada, Reno work together to provide advanced degree programs including Master and Doctorate degrees in Judicial Studies, and a Master’s degree in Justice Management.

The NCJFCJ’s work focuses on issues of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, juvenile justice, domestic minor sex trafficking, child support, custody and visitation, substance abuse, mental health, schools and justice, military families, tribal work and other related issues. The NCJFCJ has numerous ongoing projects exploring and implementing best practices and effective strategies for judges who hear cases on these matters, as well as other involved professionals. Established in 1973, NCJFCJ’s research division, the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ), is the country’s only non-profit research organization concentrating solely on the juvenile justice system and the prevention of juvenile delinquency and child abuse and neglect. Located in Pittsburgh, Penn., NCJJ has served for more than 40 years as the nation’s primary source of information on the nature of juvenile crime, as well as the juvenile justice system’s handling of these matters.

The NCJFCJ is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation with an annual operating budget of $12 million. Staff currently number 63 at its Reno headquarters office and 23 at the research center in Pittsburgh.

The NCJFCJ relies on funding from federal and state grants, private foundations, and generous members and donors. Current and past supporters include the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child Support Enforcement, American Bar Association, National Center for State Courts, National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, State Justice Institute, Bank of the West, Wells Fargo, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Charles H. Stout Foundation, Jessie Ball duPont Fund, Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, David and Lucile Packard Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, John Ben Snow Memorial Trust , Robert S. and Dorothy J. Keyser Foundation, Roxie and Azad Joseph Foundation Trust, E.L. Cord Foundation, E.L. Wiegand Foundation, Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, among many others.


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Since 1997, students and faculty of the University of Nevada, Reno have benefited from its membership in Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). ORAU is a consortium of 85 colleges and universities and a contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. ORAU works with its member institutions to help their students and faculty gain access to federal research facilities throughout the country; to keep its members informed about opportunities for fellowship, scholarship, and research appointments; and to organize research alliances among its members.

Through the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE), the DOE facility that ORAU operates, undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates, as well as faculty enjoy access to a multitude of opportunities for study and research. Students can participate in programs covering wide variety of disciplines including business, earth sciences, biomedical sciences, nuclear chemistry, and mathematics. Appointment and program length range from one month to four years. Many of these programs are especially designed to increase the numbers of underrepresented minority students pursuing degrees in science- and engineering-related disciplines. A comprehensive listing of these programs and other opportunities, their disciplines, and details on locations and benefits can be found in the ORISE Catalog of Education and Training Programs, which is available at , or by calling either of the contacts below.

ORAU’s Office of Partnership Development seeks opportunities for partnerships and alliances among ORAU’s members, private industry, and major federal facilities. Activities include faculty development programs, such as the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Awards, the Visiting Industrial Scholars Program, consortium research funding initiatives, faculty research, and support programs as well as services to chief research officers.

For more information about ORAU and its programs, contact:

Office of the Vice President for Research and Dean of the Graduate School and ORAU Councilor for the University of Nevada, Reno

Monnie E. Champion ORAU Corporate Secretary (865-576-3306) or visit the ORAU home page at