University General Course Catalog 2014-2015 
    Mar 06, 2025  

Center for Research Design and Analysis (CRDA)

The Center for Research Design and Analysis (CRDA) is an academically-based, multidisciplinary research support and service center under the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Nevada, Reno. CRDA houses its own statistical consulting lab (“Stat Lab”) and survey lab, with a faculty and staff of approximately 30. CRDA’s staff includes: a Director, Faculty Research Design and Statistical Consultants, an IT manager, Survey Managers, classified state employees, and graduate and undergraduate students. CRDA utilizes a wide range of data collection techniques for telephone, mail, and internet surveys. The Center’s experienced staff, faculty and graduate student consultants provide consulting expertise in survey design, needs assessment, program evaluation, sampling, research design, statistical analysis, and report writing. CRDA not only provides statistical and research design consulting to faculty and graduate students working on grant proposals, research projects, or dissertations and theses, but CRDA also offers many research resources.

CRDA has the ability to conduct: customer satisfaction surveys; community attitude surveys; program evaluations; needs assessments; public opinion research; venue change surveys; and surveillance research. CRDA also has the ability to recruit participants for focus groups, clinical trials, and experimental research. CRDA has conducted surveys for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Judicial College, National Institute of Justice, Desert Research Institute, Nevada State Health Division, Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation (DETR), Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), Nevada department of Public Safety (Office of Traffic Safety), Airport Authority of Washoe County, City Council of Reno, Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, State Bar of Nevada, and SPCA of Norther Nevada. Other resources CRDA has to offer are state-of-the-art CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing–WinCATI) software for RDD (Random Digit Dialing) land line and cell phone survey data collection, TeleForm for scanning bulk mail or paper and pencil surveys, or for coding archival records (e.g., medical charts or court files), web based survey software (Qualtrics and WinCATI Sensus), and multi-mode (phone, web, mail) capabilities.

UNR grad students, post-docs, and faculty are encouraged to contact CRDA by calling (775) 784-6718 for survey design, research design, statistical analysis, and software (SAS, SPSS, Minitab, etc.) consulting needs.