Mar 11, 2025
ENG 604B - Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry II (3 units) Continuation of ENG 308 .
Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Fall and Spring Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course: 1. Students will be able to list and discuss the major craft elements of poetry, and recognize those elements within specific texts. 2. Students will be able to develop strategies for reading and interpreting both formal and free-verse poetry. 3. Students will be able to practice manipulating a variety of poetic forms (the sonnet, sestina, free-verse), and elements (imagery, voice, metaphor) through the composition of original poetry. 4. Students will be able to demonstrate, through the revision of creative works, an awareness of the complexity of the revision process. 5. Students will be able to describe, evaluate and critique student-produced texts in the workshop setting. 6. Students will be able to present graduate-caliber research at a level in in a format and manner suitable for teaching an undergraduate seminar.
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