University General Course Catalog 2018-2019 
    Mar 13, 2025  
University General Course Catalog 2018-2019 ARCHIVED CATALOG: LINKS AND CONTENT ARE OUT OF DATE. CHECK WITH YOUR ADVISOR. Add to Portfolio (opens a new window)

BIOL 722 - Molecular Ecology II: Techniques and Analyses

(2 units)
Use and interpretation of molecular genetic methods and their application to studies in ecology and evolution. (ANSC 722, BIOL 722 and NRES 722 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)

Units of Lecture: 1
Units of Laboratory/Studio: 1
Offered: Every Spring - Even Years

Student Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. discuss the underlying theory and application of various molecular techniques and analyses commonly used in ecological and evolutionary research.
2. conduct basic computational analyses of genetic data.
3. write a research grant that proposes the use of a genetic approach to address a question in ecology, evolution or conservation biology.

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