Mar 11, 2025
CAS 354 - Screening and Client Engagement (3 units) Overview of philosophical and procedural components for providing addictions services; professional characteristics, ethical/legal issues, helping process and initial assessment. Motivational interviewing practiced.
Prerequisite(s): CAS 154 ; acceptance into the minor or certificate in Addiction Treatment Services.
Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. exhibit understanding of and the preliminary skills for developing a therapeutic relationship by utilizing the core conditions of counseling. 2. identify attitudes toward individuals with alcohol and drug related problems and one’s motivation for entering the field. 3. develop a personal plan for modifying any attitudes that might hinder one’s effectiveness as a helping professional. 4. discuss an addiction counselor’s professional obligations to adhere to the regulations and laws that govern addiction counseling – including confidentiality and ethics. 5. describe how motivational interviewing strategies interact with the stages of change. 6. demonstrate knowledge of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT).
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