Mar 13, 2025
CAS 659 - Special Topics in Addiction (3 units) Subjects related to alcohol and drug addiction and other compulsive behaviors. Topical areas may include perinatal substance abuse, women’s issues, and co-occurring disorders.
Maximum units a student may earn: 9
Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Fall - Odd Years
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. determine important variables related to the special topic being investigated in the class (example: women’s issues, emotions, other addictions). 2. demonstrate a clear understanding of how the special topic impacts prevention, treatment, and recovery from a behavioral disorder. 3. articulate and lessen the potential interference personal issues might have when assisting individuals who suffer from an addictive disorder. 4. exhibit the skills helpful to assisting the special population of focus in the course.
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