Mar 10, 2025
ART 350S - Advanced Digital Media (3 units) Emphasis on further developing skills for the critical and conceptual utilization of digital media for personal expression.
Prerequisite(s): ART 345 .
Units of Laboratory/Studio: 3 Offered: Every Spring
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. demonstrate advanced competencies utilizing digital fabrication technologies, leading to the development of exploratory models for learning and production in computer based 3D production. 2. apply analog and computer-based systems for creative production in a studio setting, including advanced problem solving utilizing: 3d modeling, 3d scanning, 3d printing, laser cutting and papercraft. 3. analyze and discuss critical issues and experimental practices in the areas of digital fabrication and social practices. 4. demonstrate a synthesis of knowledge, skills and advanced competency in digital media production for physical fabrication. 5. demonstrate advanced skills in discussion, critique and writing about their creative practice and others while engaging in best practices for basic website/blog development.
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