Feb 17, 2025
ENG 407B - Fundamentals of Technical Writing (3 units) Examines rhetorical principles, composing practices, and genre knowledge involved in effective technical writing. Focused study of technical documents in businesses, organizations, or government agencies.
Prerequisite(s): ENG 301 or ENG 303 or at least Junior standing.
Units of Lecture: 3 Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. assemble a polished workplace writing portfolio, including letter of application and résumé targeted to a specific professional writing position. 2. conduct rhetorical inquiry into contexts for workplace writing. 3. demonstrate fluency with the range of genres and documents commonly required in professional workplace writing. 4. give and receive constructive feedback on portfolio materials. 5. select and draft the correct materials for job-seeking in professional workplace writing. 6. demonstrate knowledge of several resources that assist with developing and revising workplace documents.
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