Mar 08, 2025
ENG 491A - Major Texts of the Environmental Movement (3 units) CO12, CO13 Survey of important texts of the environmental movement, e.g., Aldo Leopold, Rachel Carson, Edward Abbey. How such literature changes consciousness and influences policy.
Prerequisite(s): General Education courses (CO1-CO3) completed; at least 3 courses from CO4-CO8 completed; Junior or Senior standing.
Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Spring - Even Years
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. analyze the challenging ethical conundrums of such issues as climate change, biotechnology, GMO foods, biodiversity, and ecological restoration. 2. assess their own relationship to the competing ethical claims and positions within environmental movements. 3. identify and summarize current scholarly conversations (e.g., challenges, opportunities, trends) that exist within conversations on environmentalism. 4. produce a well-supported argument that makes an original contribution to the field and could be submitted for publication in an undergraduate journal. 5. critically examine how their position within intersecting social forces impacts their worldview relative to environmental issues. 6. communicate their position on an environmental issue.
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