Feb 11, 2025
ENG 670A - The British Novel I (3 units) British fiction from its origins to about 1800. Readings in such authors as Defoe, Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, Sterne, Johnson, Austen.
Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Fall - Even Years
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. write lucid, well-constructed arguments analyzing and interpreting the prose fiction of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. 2. analyze eighteenth- and nineteenth-century novels in their cultural and historical contexts. 3. articulate the premises and assumptions of different critical approaches and apply them to literature using literary-critical vocabulary. 4. identify the generic features of early fiction, and to articulate the relationship between eighteenth- and nineteenth-century novels and their modern counterparts. 5. discuss the origins of the novel and of the concept of realistic narration. 6. articulate an understanding of, and opinions about, various debates or theories in early British fiction. 7. produce written work that demonstrates familiarity with the criticism of a major subject in the field of early British fiction, and makes a contribution to the critical discussion.
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