MATH 475 - Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry (3 units) Axiom systems, models, independence, consistency; incidence, distance, betweenness, congruence, convexity; inequalities, quadrilaterals, limit triangles, the non-Euclidean geometry of Bolyai-Lobatchevsky.
Prerequisite(s): MATH 373 .
Units of Lecture: 3 Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. prove properties of lines, angles, and circles from the Euclidean axioms. 2. prove properties of lines, angles and circles in non-Euclidean geometry.? 3. distinguish between geometric properties that depend on the Euclidean parallel postulate and those that are independent of any parallel postulate assumptions. 4. describe the logical consistency of geometries using models.
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