Jan 02, 2025
PHYS 722 - Quantum Theory II (3 units) Perturbation theory, (both time-independent and time-dependent), degeneracy, interaction of matter with radiation, selection rules. Scattering theory. Born approximation and other approximation methods. Dirac notation and an introduction to spin.
Grading Basis: Graded Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Spring
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. describe the quantum energy levels of charged particles and neutral atoms in the presence of an external magnetic field. 2. apply the mathematical apparatus of time-independent perturpation theory to calculate the energy levels of anharmonic oscillators and the fine and hyperfine structure of the Hydrogen Atom. 3. solve the Schrodinger equation using time-dependent perturpation theory. Learn the basic concepts of matter-field interaction physics (such as the dipole Hamiltonian and selection rules) and understand the quantum dynamics of a two-level atom excited by time-dependent electromagnetic radiation. 4. use the variational method to calculate the energy levels of complex physical systems (such as the Helium atom). 5. demonstrate familiarity with the basic concepts of quantum scattering theory, including probability fluxes, scattering across sections and lengths, and partial wave expansions. Solve quantum scattering problems using Born approximation. 6. recall and write down the eigenstates of the total angular momentum of a composite physical system using the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients or 3-I symbols. 7. demonstrate understanding of the symmetry properties of many-particle wavefunctions and be able to construct the wavefunctions for many identical boson and fermion systems.
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