Feb 19, 2025
WMST 427A - Women and Literature (3 units) CO10, CO13 Women writers and the ways in which women are portrayed in literature. (ENG 427A and WMST 427A are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Prerequisite(s): General Education courses (CO1-CO3) completed; at least 3 courses from CO4-CO8 completed; Junior or Senior standing.
Grading Basis: Graded Units of Lecture: 3 Offered: Every Fall, Spring, and Summer
Student Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: 1. demonstrate familiarity with foundational feminist and gender theories, as well as their history. 2. speak knowledgeably about how diverse social positions and experiences are reflected (or not) in and reinforced by texts. 3. write an analytical paper that integrates ideas from feminist and gender theories with literary interpretation, using a variety of sources. 4. differentiate between and understand basic interpretative approaches to various literary genres including poetry, fiction, and film. 5. articulate close readings of selected passages of literature in support of larger arguments in brief analytical paragraphs and in class discussion. 6. articulate connections between literature, theory, personal experience, and other subject areas in which you have expertise.
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