Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: University General Course Catalog 2015-2016 Program: Civil Engineering, B.S. in C.E. Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Civil Engineering, B.S. in C.E.


Civil engineers apply scientific and engineering principles to improve the built environment and to provide sustainable infrastructure systems. Civil engineers analyze and design structural components of buildings and bridges; improve seismic safety; investigate soil-structure interactions; design pavements and test new asphalt and concrete mixtures; implement strategies for improving traffic flow within a transportation network; and develop treatment strategies for water, wastewater, and environmental contaminants. Civil engineers use computer design and simulation to envision new systems and to retrofit existing ones.

Contact Information

105 Scrugham Engineering-Mines
(775) 784-6937

All Freshmen, Sophomores and Incoming transfer students: College of Engineering Advisement Center, SFB 100  775-682-7721

Juniors and Seniors: Assigned Faculty Advisor

Graduation Requirements

Total Units 129
Cumulative GPA 2.0
University GPA 2.0
Major GPA 2.0
Residency Requirement 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
Major Residency Requirement 15 Units of Major Requirements at UNR
Upper-Division Requirement 40 Upper-Division Units
Half Program Units/4 Year Institution 64.5


Progression Standards

This major includes requirements to monitor progress toward graduation in four years. Students must complete these progression requirements by the semester indicated to ensure that they are making minimal progress in their degree program. Students should meet with their academic advisor at least once per semester to monitor their academic progress.

Students must complete the first year progression requirement before enrolling in upper-division engineering coursework. Students may attempt critical courses up to three times. Withdrawals count as attempts. Students who exceed the repeat limit are not making good academic progress and will be placed on program probation.

First Year

  • CHEM 121A* and CHEM 121L* or CHEM 201 
  • MATH 181*
  • MATH 182*
  • PHYS 180* and PHYS 180L*

* Courses marked with an asterisk must be completed with at least a “C”.

Second Year

The following courses must be completed with at least “C”:

  • CEE 241 
  • CEE 372 
  • CEE 390 
  • MATH 283 
  • MATH 285 
  • ME 241 
  • PHYS 181  and PHYS 181L 


Third Year

Select 3 courses from the following. These courses must be completed with at least a “C”:

  • CEE 377 
  • CEE 381 
  • CEE 442  or
  • GE 442 

I. University Core Curriculum Requirements (36-44 units)

NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy”.

A. English (3-8 units)

Refer to the “English” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.

NOTE: Students who place in ENG 102 are not required to complete ENG 101.

B. Mathematics (4 units)

  Refer to the “Mathematics” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog.

Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
MATH 181 - Calculus I * (4 units)

C. Natural Sciences (8 units)

Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
CHEM 201 - General Chemistry for Scientists and Engineers I (CHEM 121A * / CHEM 121L  *accepted) (4 units)
PHYS 180 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I * (3 units)
PHYS 180L - Physics for Scientists and Engineers Laboratory I * (1 unit)

D. Social Sciences (3 units)

Refer to the “Social Sciences” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. 

E. Fine Arts (3 units)

Refer to the “Fine Arts” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. Must not be a skills course.

F. Core Humanities (9 units)

Refer to the “Core Humanities” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. 

G. Capstone Courses (6 units)

Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
CEE 427 - Capstone Design Project (3 units)


Emphasis Capstone (3 units) ** - Choose one of the following:

  • CEE 431 - Pavement Analysis and Design
  • CEE 443 - Foundation Engineering Design
  • CEE 456 - Design of Water Treatment Systems
  • CEE 457 - Design of Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Systems
  • CEE 481 - Structural Steel Design

H. Diversity (0-3 units)

Refer to the “Diversity” section of the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog.

NOTE: Students must take a three-credit course that satisfies the “Diversity” requirement. This can be a course that also satisfies either the “Fine Arts” or “Social Science” requirements.

II. Additional College Requirements (0 units)

III. Major Requirements (92-93 units)

A. Communications (3 units)

Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
ENGR 301 - Engineering Communication and Societal Integration (3 units)

B. Basic Sciences (20-21 units)

Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
CEE 389 - Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineers (2 units)
MATH 182 - Calculus II * (4 units)
MATH 283 - Calculus III * (4 units)
MATH 285 - Differential Equations * (3 units)
PHYS 181 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II * (3 units)
PHYS 181L - Physics for Scientists and Engineers Laboratory II * (1 unit)


Science Elective (3 or 4 units)** Choose one of the following:

  • BIOL 100 - Biology: Principles and Applications 
  • BIOL 190 - Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology 
  • GEOL 100 - Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Natural Disasters 
  • GEOL 101 - General Geology 
  • GEOG 103 - Physical Geography of the Earth’s Environment 
  • ATMS 117 - Meteorology 
  • ATMS 121 / GEOG 121 - Climate Change and Its Environmental Impacts 
  • NRES 210 - Environmental Pollution 

C. Engineering Science and Design (52 units)

Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
ENGR 100 - Introduction to Engineering Design (3 units)
CEE 120 - Civil Engineering in a Sustainable Society (3 units)
CEE 204 - Natural and Engineered Environmental Systems (3 units)
CEE 241 - Statics * (3 units)
CEE 303 - Computer Tools for Civil and Environmental Engineers (3 units)
CEE 362 - Transportation Engineering (3 units)
CEE 364 - Engineering Hydrology (3 units)
CEE 371 - Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering (3 units)
CEE 372 - Mechanics of Solids * (3 units)
CEE 377 - Construction Materials Engineering and Testing * (4 units)
CEE 381 - Structural Analysis * (3 units)
CEE 388 - Engineering Economy (2 units)
CEE 390 - Environmental Engineering Systems: Principles and Design * (3 units)
CEE 413 - Water Resources Engineering (3 units)
  • CEE 442 - Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering (4 units) *
  • ENGR 490 - Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (0 units)
    ME 242 - Dynamics (3 units)
    ENGR 360 - Introduction to Fluid Mechanics OR (3 units)
    NRES 414 - Hydrologic Fluid Dynamics (3 units)


    *Must complete these courses with at least a “C”.

    D. Technical Electives–15 units

    NOTE: List available from the department. At least two courses must contain design and all students are required to take either CEE 480 or CEE 481 .

    IV. Electives (0-3 units)

    V. Recommended Schedule

    A. First Year

    Fall Semester (17 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    ENGR 100 - Introduction to Engineering Design (3 units)
    ENG 101 - Composition I (3 units)
    MATH 181 - Calculus I * (4 units)
    CHEM 201 - General Chemistry for Scientists and Engineers I ( CHEM 121A* / CHEM 121L* accepted) (4 units)
  • Core Curriculum Fine Arts/Diversity (3 units)
  • Spring Semester (17-18 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    CEE 120 - Civil Engineering in a Sustainable Society (3 units)
    ENG 102 - Composition II (3 units)
    MATH 182 - Calculus II * (4 units)
    PHYS 180 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I * (3 units)
    PHYS 180L - Physics for Scientists and Engineers Laboratory I * (1 unit)
  • Science Elective (3-4 units)
  • B. Second Year

    Fall Semester (17 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    CEE 204 - Natural and Engineered Environmental Systems (3 units)
    CEE 241 - Statics * (3 units)
    MATH 283 - Calculus III * (4 units)
    PHYS 181 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II * (3 units)
    PHYS 181L - Physics for Scientists and Engineers Laboratory II * (1 unit)
    CH 201 - Ancient and Medieval Cultures (3 units)

    Spring Semester (17 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    CEE 303 - Computer Tools for Civil and Environmental Engineers (3 units)
    CEE 372 - Mechanics of Solids * (3 units)
    CEE 388 - Engineering Economy (2 units)
    CEE 390 - Environmental Engineering Systems: Principles and Design * (3 units)
    MATH 285 - Differential Equations * (3 units)
    ME 242 - Dynamics (3 units)

    C. Third Year

    Fall Semester (18 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    CEE 364 - Engineering Hydrology (3 units)
    CEE 377 - Construction Materials Engineering and Testing * (4 units)
    CEE 381 - Structural Analysis * (3 units)
    CEE 389 - Probability and Statistics for Civil Engineers (2 units)
    ENGR 301 - Engineering Communication and Societal Integration (3 units)
    ENGR 360 - Introduction to Fluid Mechanics OR (3 units)
    NRES 414 - Hydrologic Fluid Dynamics (3 units)

    Spring Semester (16 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    CEE 362 - Transportation Engineering (3 units)
    CEE 371 - Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering (3 units)
    CEE 413 - Water Resources Engineering (3 units)
  • CEE 442 - Fundamentals of Geotechnical Engineering (4 units)*
  • Technical Electives (3 units) **
  • D. Fourth Year

    Fall Semester (15 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    CEE 427 - Capstone Design Project (3 units)
    CH 202 - The Modern World (3 units)
  • Core Curriculum Social Science (3 units)
  • Technical Electives (6 units) **
  • ENGR 490 - Fundamentals of Engineering Exam (0 units)

    Spring Semester (12 units)

    Course NameUnits(s)Term TakenGradeWhere Taken
    CH 203 - American Experiences and Constitutional Change (3 units)
  • Technical Electives (6 units) **
  • Emphasis Capstone (3 units) **
  • Note(s):

    *In addition to the general university requirements of at least a “C” (2.0) average for graduation, engineering students must earn at least a “C” in those courses designated with an asterisk (*) and must also maintain at least a “C” average in the Core Curriculum Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and the major requirements courses.

    **Total number of credits is 18 for the Emphasis Capstone plus technical electives including CEE 480 and/or CEE 481.

    Students enrolled in civil and environmental engineering internship programs are required to take a one-credit seminar course ( CEE 225, CEE 325 , CEE 425 ) at the appropriate level each summer they are enrolled in the program. These credits are in addition to the total required for other engineering students.

    Class attendance is mandatory in all civil and environmental engineering courses. Civil engineering students who need to repeat courses to meet the minimum grade-point average requirement set by the university or the college are allowed to repeat only those courses in which they received a grade lower than a “C” (2.0).

    It is the policy of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering to not accept transfer courses from outside the NSHE system with grades lower than a “C”.
