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213 Chemistry Building
(775) 784-6041
The department offers courses leading to the degrees of bachelor of science, master of science, and doctor of philosophy.
Undergraduate Chemistry Programs
The department offers four Emphases within a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree: Professional Chemistry Emphasis, Environmental Chemistry Emphasis, General Emphasis, and Pre-medical Emphasis.
The Professional Chemistry Emphasis and the Environmental Chemistry Emphasis provide rigorous training in experimental and theoretical chemistry, and include undergraduate research and specialized courses chosen according to the student’s interests. The Professional Chemistry Emphasis is designed for students who are interested in a career as a chemist in industry or government, or in graduate school in chemistry or related areas. The Environmental Chemistry Emphasis is recommended for students interested in employment as an environmental chemist or in graduate study in environmental science. Both of these Emphases have been approved by the American Chemical Society (ACS) as satisfying rigorous national standards for ACS certification. The General Emphasis is major program in chemistry that provides strong training for careers in chemistry and flexibility to pursue other areas, such as allied health sciences or K-12 teaching. The Pre-Medical Emphasis is designed for students interested in medicine, dentistry, and related health professions. It includes a strong curriculum in chemistry as well as courses in the biological sciences required by professional schools.
A minor in chemistry is also offered for students majoring in other fields.
Graduate Programs in Chemistry
The chemistry department offers graduate programs leading to the master of science in chemistry and the doctor of philosophy in chemistry. Two Master of Science degree plans are available. Plan A includes a thesis on original research; Plan B includes a professional paper but no thesis. A Ph.D. degree in chemical physics is also offered (see the Interdisciplinary section of this catalog). Students wishing to pursue one of these degrees should read the Graduate School section of this catalog and obtain the Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Chemical Physics brochure from the department.
As part of the graduate degree, the student is expected to pursue a program of original research under the direction of a faculty advisor. Research study emphases in the department include: organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, theoretical chemistry, chemical physics, physical organic chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. The student’s research program culminates in the writing of a thesis or dissertation.
The program of study is planned in consultation with the faculty advisor and is subject to approval by the student’s advisory committee. Depending on research area, the committee in some instances may require coursework in related fields outside the chemistry department. Detailed requirements are specified in the department’s Graduate Study Guidelines.
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