Service Divisions
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E.L. Cord Foundation Center for Learning and Literacy
The E.L. Cord Foundation Center for Learning and Literacy (CLL) has focused on supporting children’s literacy development since 1964. The CLL’s mission is to enhance literacy in Nevada through research, teacher education, and literacy services for children. The CLL serves UNR students, teachers, and children through our on campus clinical tutoring program, our undergraduate teacher program, and our outreach tutoring program. Our literacy support emphasizes the multiple modes and purposes of literacy from listening, speaking, reading and writing to digital literacies and content area literacies. All of our programs integrate literacy and technology and provide teachers and students with the concepts and tools to be successful and engaged in their education.
For more information, visit our website at or call the E.L. Cord Foundation Center for Learning and Literacy, (775) 784-4951.
Nell J. Redfield Learning and Resource Center
The Learning and Resource Center in the William Raggio Building provides instructional media facilities in many areas.
Included among the facilities are the:
Media library–a cooperative effort with the Washoe County School District that features:
- An extensive children’s book collection
- Course-related books and educational materials
- Audio and video tapes
- Instructional software
- Study prints
- DVD’s
- Media kits
Media production facility--digital video editing, mounting and laminating pictures, lettering, duplication, production of overhead transparencies, book binding and use of photographic copy stand.
Instructional enhancement–Microteaching facilities, audio and video tape dubbing and editing; and consultation in instructional design.
The Learning and Resource Center is open regularly from 8 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Audiovisual equipment is available for use in the College of Education. Materials in the media production facility are available to university faculty, students, and teachers for nominal costs.
For more information, call the Learning and Resource Center, (775) 784-4971.
Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities
The Nevada Center for Excellence in Disabilities (NCED) provides:
- transdisciplinary, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary training;
- model exemplary services;
- information on developmental disabilities and services options across the life span;
- technical assistance; and,
- relevant research and evaluation studies.
Raggio Research Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education
The Raggio Research Center (RRC) for Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics(STEM) Education exists to promote STEM research, education and service activities in Nevada. The RRC:
- Provides an intellectual home for university and K-12 faculty and administrators interested in the development and delivery of STEM related professional development courses and technology-rich instructional resources.
- Fosters fundamental and applied research related to the initial preparation of and continuing professional development of STEM teachers.
- Fosters interest in STEM education and careers among K-12 and university students through special events and presentations.
- Builds research and academic programs through externally-funded grants and contracts that attract and support STEM students.
Through these and other activities, the RRC serves as a nexus for STEM-related ventures and as a fulcrum for leveraging human, financial and technical resources on campus and around the state. The RRC online community of practice serves as the gateway to these resources and as the medium of communication among RRC partners. Additional information about the RRC is available on the website Individuals interested in joining RRC community of practice are invited to contact the RRC via email at or by phone (775)682-7876.
Child and Family Research Center
In addition to being a teaching and research facility, the Child & Family Research Center provides education and care for children, ages 6 weeks to 6 years, of UNR students, staff and faculty. Curriculum planning and implementation revolve around open-ended and often long-term projects that engage children through in-depth investigation of topics of interest. Children are supported in developing confidence, intellectual curiosity, and enthusiasm for learning. The CFRC serves the early childhood community in northern Nevada as a model for early care and education best practices.
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