Feb 18, 2025
Biology, B.S.
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I. University Core Curriculum Requirements (40-45 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy.” A. English (3-8 units)
Refer to the “English” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. NOTE: Students who place in ENG 102 are not required to complete ENG 101 . B. Mathematics (4 units)
Refer to the “Mathematics” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. C. Natural Sciences (8 units)
Select one sequence: D. Social Sciences (3 units)
Refer to the “Social Sciences” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. E. Fine Arts (3 units)
Refer to the “Fine Arts” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. F. Core Humanities (9 units)
Refer to the “Core Humanities” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. G. Capstone Courses (7 units)
H. Diversity (3 units)
Refer to the “Diversity” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. II. Additional Requirements (0 units)
A. Required biology courses (19 units)
Select one of these two emphases for five credits: (5 units)
B. Chemistry courses (4-8 units)
In addition to the Core Curriculum Natural Sciences requirement (CHEM 121A and CHEM 121L ; and CHEM 122A and CHEM 122L ), complete the following lecture(s) and an Organic Chemistry laboratory. Organic Chemistry Lecture
Organic Chemistry Lecture I and II
Complete two courses from the following: Organic Chemistry Laboratory
Choose one of the following: C. Mathematics courses (3-4 units)
In addition to the Core Curriculum Math requirement (MATH 181 ), complete a course in Statistics. Select one: D. Physics courses (8 units)
E. Biology Upper-Division Electives (12 units)
Please consult with a biology advisor for acceptable courses numbered 300-499. IV. Minor Requirements (0 units)
V. Electives (24-34 units)
VI. Total Units (120 units)
NOTE: A candidate for a bachelor’s degree must earn a minimum of 40 units numbered 300 - 499. VII. Recommended Schedule
Spring Semester (14 units)
Fall Semester (14-15 units)
Spring Semester (16 units)
Spring Semester (16 units)
Fall Semester (15 units)
- Core Curriculum General Capstone (3 units)
- Upper-Division Biology Elective (3 units)
- Upper-Division Electives (6 units)
- General Elective (3 units)
Spring Semester (13-14 units)
- BIOL 415 - Evolution (4 units)
- Upper-Division Biology Elective (3 units)
- Upper-Division Elective (3 units)
- General Elective (3-4 units)
Biology With Distinction
In addition to the above requirements, students wishing to be considered for “with distinction” in biology must: - have and maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 overall and 3.5 in biology.
- be recommended as a candidate by a member of the biology faculty who will serve as a mentor.
- successfully complete 3 credits of either BIOL 491 or BIOL 492 during the junior year and 3 credits each semester in BIOL 496 - BIOL 497 during the senior year.
- successfully fulfill the requirements of the Biology Special Programs Committee.
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