Feb 18, 2025
Basque Studies, Minor
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2322 Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center
(775) 784-4854
An undergraduate minor in Basque studies is offered through the Center for Basque Studies, part of the College of Liberal Arts. The Center offers many courses on Basque topics, both in the regular classroom setting and online through Independent Learning. In addition, the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) offers Basque courses in the Spanish Basque Country. The minor program provides students with an introduction and exposure to one of the unique ethnic heritages of Europe and the American West. The minor can be obtained entirely through online courses if the student prefers.
Minor in Basque Studies
Requirements include a two-semester (8 credit) course sequence in Elementary Basque and 15 additional credits. Second Year Basque ( BASQ 203 - Second Year Basque I - BASQ 204 - Second-Year Basque II ) is recommended.
II. Additional requirements
15 units from the following list: - BASQ 203 - Second Year Basque I (3 units)
- BASQ 204 - Second-Year Basque II (3 units)
- BASQ 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units) OR
- ANTH 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units) OR
- PSC 220 - Introduction to Basque Cultural Studies in a Global Frame (3 units)
- BASQ 221 - Introduction to Basque Folk Dance (2 units)
- BASQ 295 - Independent Language Study (1 to 2 units)
- BASQ 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) OR
- ANTH 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) OR
- PSC 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) OR
- SOC 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units) OR
- WMST 378 - Basque Transnationalism in the United States (3 units)
- BASQ 405 - Basque Conversation and Composition I (3 units)
- BASQ 406 - Basque Conversation and Composition II (3 units)
- BASQ 407 - Contemporary Basque Politics (3 units)
- BASQ 431 - Modern Basque History (From 1700 to the Present) (3 units) OR
- HIST 431R - Modern Basque History (From 1700 to the Present) (3 units)
- BASQ 451 - Basque Literature (3 units)
- BASQ 452 - Bernardo Atxaga (3 units)
- BASQ 456 - Basque Language, Society and Culture (3 units) OR
- ANTH 412 - Basque Language, Society and Culture (3 units)
- BASQ 460 - Topics in Basque Cultural Studies (1 to 3 units)
- BASQ 461 - Basque Gender Studies (3 units) OR
- WMST 462 - Basque Gender Studies (3 units)
- BASQ 466R - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) OR
- ANTH 413 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) OR
- ART 466 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units)
- BASQ 471 - Basque Culture (3 units) OR
- ANTH 414R - Basque Culture (3 units)
- BASQ 472 - Basque Diaspora Studies (3 units) OR
- ANTH 415R - Basque Diaspora Studies (3 units) OR
- PSC 407L - Basque Diaspora Studies (3 units)
- BASQ 477 - War, Occupation & Memory in the Basque Country (3 units) OR
- ANTH 477 - War, Occupation & Memory in the Basque Country (3 units)
- BASQ 480 - Consuming Culture: Food, Gastronomy and Lifestyles (3 units)
- BASQ 495 - Independent Language Study (1 to 3 units)
- BASQ 499 - Individual Research in Basque Cultural Studies (1 to 6 units)
- HIST 467R - Modern Jewish History (3 units)
- HIST 497 - Independent Study (1 to 3 units) (when offered as: Basque and Iberian History)
- PSC 480A - Independent Study and Research in Political Science (1 to 3 units) (when offered as: Political Institutions of the Basques, Spain, and Europe)
Crosslisted courses may be taken under any of the prefixes noted above and still count toward fulfilling the minor. Courses listed through other departments (such as independent study) may also apply to the minor if the subject matter is approved by the program director of Basque Studies. Students who include BASQ 203 - Second Year Basque I and BASQ 204 - Second-Year Basque II to fulfill the minor requirement may also use these courses to fulfill their foreign language requirement. Come by the CBS office in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, 3rd floor, call (775) 784-4854, email at ckamino@unr.edu or check out the website at: http://basque.unr.edu/academics-tutorialphd.html. Study Abroad Programs in the Basque Country
The University of Nevada, Reno is the lead institution of the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) whose Central Office is located on campus. USAC offers study abroad programs in 24 countries at 39 locations. Students may participate in the university’s study abroad program in the Basque Country in Donostia-San Sebastián, (Spain v.c.); Bilbao/Getxo, (Spain v.c.); and/or Pau, (France v.c.). Students can complete up to two years of foreign language requirements in one semester. The programs offer international business and Basque-related courses and others in the areas of art history, culture, history, political science, dance and cuisine. Come by the USAC office in the Virginia Street Gym, Room 5, call (775) 784-6569, (866) 404-USAC, email at: usac@unr.edu or check out the website at: http://usac.unr.edu. |
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