Honors Program
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Jot Travis Building, Room 11
(775) 784-1455
Purpose and Mission The Honors Program at the University of Nevada, Reno, seeks to provide students who are both academically talented and highly motivated with an undergraduate education that nurtures and promotes their capacities to think competently, understand deeply, and act ethically. The Honors Program is committed to providing strong support for the development of these qualities among a select group of students who have demonstrated exceptional promise. The Honors Program is University-wide and compatible with all academic majors. Successful participation in the Honors Program gives highly qualified students the ability to become skilled in their specific disciplines and the personal satisfaction of having met and accomplished the most innovative and challenging program the University offers.
Admission to the Honors Program Admission to the Honors Program is selective and competitive, and by application only. Qualified students must submit an electronic application available at The application contains the student’s academic record, extracurricular activities, work experience, teacher recommendations, and an admissions essay. Prospective students are eligible to apply to the Honors Program if the student meets the following criteria: 3.65 GPA (unweighted), 28 ACT, 1200 combined verbal and quantitative SAT, top 10 percent of graduation class, or evidence of motivation and commitment to academic excellence. Achievement of one or more of these criteria does not guarantee admission. Continuing University of Nevada, Reno students and transfer students are eligible to apply to the Honors Program if the student has a cumulative GPA of 3.65 or higher. Once a complete application has been submitted to the Honors Program, the Honors Admissions Committee reviews each application carefully and makes a recommendation to accept an applicant for the next academic semester or to advise the applicant to reapply at another time. The deadlines for applications are February 1 and November 1 each year.
Honors Residential Scholars Community Incoming, first-year students who have been accepted to the Honors Program are invited to reside on campus in an Honors living learning community. Select students work closely with peers and faculty to increase the potential for success in the first two semesters of enrollment by participating in related coursework and scheduled programming designed to meet the needs of first year students. Participation in the Honors living learning community is determined by the applicant pool and is subject to all rules and regulations of Residential Life.
Program Requirements
Participation Requirements Honors students pursue a regular course of study in their major and minor fields. A minimum of thirty credits of Honors-designated courses including a senior capstone Honors project or thesis are required to complete the program. These credits include Honors-designated classes in the Core Curriculum and in the student’s major. Students may also exercise the opportunity to earn Honors Points in the completion of this requirement. Honors Points can be earned through a variety of methods including service learning, cultural enrichment, and voluntary program participation. The thirty credits in Honors course work are part of the normal degree program. Grade Point Average Honors students must maintain a satisfactory grade-point average to continue in the program. Each Honors student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or above. Students not making adequate progress toward a satisfactory cumulative grade point average or toward completion of the Honors Program are subject to the loss of Honors privileges and standing. Advising The Honors Program has advisors on staff to meet with Honors students and develop strategies for success in the program and beyond. Honors students are required to participate in one advising session per academic year, but are invited to seek advising at any point in the year. First-year students and Seniors are scheduled for advising in the fall semester. Students with Sophomore and Junior standing participate in advising in the spring semester. All students who receive advising in the Honors Program are eligible for priority registration in that semester. Program Completion
Graduation in the Honors Program In completing the program, graduating seniors enjoy a close relationship with their professors and other Honors students. To successfully complete the Honors Program, a student: - documents thirty credits of Honors coursework with grades of B- or better
- maintains a cumulative grade point average of 3.25 or above
- satisfies preparation for the completion of the senior capstone Honors project or thesis (e.g., HON 235 , research methods)
- completes a senior capstone Honors project or thesis, and schedules an oral defense
- meets with an Honors advisor regularly
- demonstrates significant contributions to Honors academic and social activities
Transcripts of students completing the thirty Honors credits and a senior thesis or project with a GPA of at least 3.25 will indicate the Honors classes taken, the title of the Honors senior thesis, and a “Completed Honors Program” designation. Scholarships
University of Nevada, Reno offers a number of academic scholarships for which Honors students compete. In addition to National Merit Scholars, who are guaranteed admission to the Honors Program, the members of the Program include Presidential Scholars and other recipients of merit scholarships. Honors Undergraduate Research Awards are available to fund Honors Senior Theses through the Office of Undergraduate Research. Honors International Travel Awards are available to fund students studying on a University Study Abroad Consortium (USAC) program. Honors Service Awards are available to students who design community service projects. Nationally Competitive Fellowships and Scholarships
Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships The Honors Program houses the University of Nevada, Reno Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships. In this capacity, the Office provides advice and assistance to University of Nevada, Reno undergraduates, graduates and alum interested in applying for undergraduate and graduate-level fellowships and scholarships such as the Fulbright, Gates Cambridge, Goldwater, Madison, Marshall, Mitchell, Phi Kappa Phi, Rhodes, Truman, and Udall. The University of Nevada, Reno is home to Rhodes, Truman, Goldwater, Madison, Fulbright, and Boren scholars. The Office of Undergraduate and Graduate Fellowships serve all students at the University of Nevada, Reno. Students do not need to be members of the Honors Program to receive assistance with their fellowship and scholarship applications. Interested students may visit the Honors Program website for preliminary information and follow up with the Director for specific information on beginning the application process. |
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