Feb 12, 2025
Neuroscience, B.S.
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Biology - 147 Fleischmann Agriculture
(775) 784-6188
Psychology 438 Mack Social Science
(775) 784-6828
The Interdisciplinary program in Neuroscience offers training leading to a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. The major is designed to provide students with a strong background in both systems and physiological approaches to understanding the brain, and to prepare students for professions and advanced studies in a wide range of fields including behavioral and biological science and health sciences. The program is administered jointly through the Departments of Biology and Psychology and draws on courses offered through both departments for the curriculum. Because of curricular overlaps students cannot pursue dual degrees in Neuroscience and Psychology or dual majors in Neuroscience and Biology nor can they have a minor in Biology. Students majoring in neuroscience may minor in psychology, but they cannot apply courses completed for the major to their minor.
I. University Core Curriculum Requirements (39-44 units)
A. English (3-8 units)
Refer to the “English” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. NOTE: Students who place into ENG 102 are not required to complete ENG 101 . B. Mathematics (4 units)
Refer to the “Mathematics” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. C. Natural Sciences (8 units)
D. Social Sciences (3 units)
Refer to the “Social Sciences” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. NOTE: PSY 101 , a major requirement listed below, satisfies this Social Sciences requirement. E. Fine Arts (3 units)
Refer to the “Fine Arts” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. F. Core Humanities (9 units)
Refer to the “Core Humanities” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. G. Capstone Courses (6 units)
Refer to the “Capstone” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. H. Diversity Requirement (3 units)
Refer to the “Diversity” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. II. Additional Requirements (0 units)
III. Major Requirements (55-64 units)
A. Biology Foundation Courses (19 units)
B. Psychology Foundation Courses (7-10 units)
C. Statistics (3-4 units)
E. Direct Learning, Independent Study (3-6 units)
F. Major Electives (15-17 units)
Choose five courses from the following two clusters. Choose at least two courses from each cluster. Biology Cluster (6-11 units)
At least two of the five courses must come from this cluster: Psychology Cluster (6-9 units)
At least two of the five courses must come from this cluster: Note(s):
** Can also be completed as BIOL 481 . IV. Minor Requirements (0 units)
V. Electives (9-26 units)
At least six units must come from courses offered outside of the Biology and Psychology Departments and cannot include courses taken to satisfy the University Core Curriculum requirements. General Electives for Premedical Students should include the following:
VI. Total Units (120 units)
A candidate for a Bachelor’s degree must earn a minimum of 42 units numbered 300-499. VII. Recommended Schedule
Spring Semester (17 units)
* English and Math course placement is based on test scores. Please consult the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog. ** Meets the Core Curriculum Social Sciences requirement. Note(s):
* For Premed Majors. Spring Semester (16 units)
* For Premed Majors. Spring Semester (14 units)
Fall Semester (15 units)
- BIOL 475 - Neurobiology (3 units)
- General Elective (3 units)
- Major Elective (3 units)
- Core Curriculum General Capstone (3 units)
- Direct Learning, Independent Study (3 units)
Spring Semester (12 units)
- Core Curriculum General Capstone (3 units)
- Major Electives (6 units)
- General Elective (3 units)
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