Mar 13, 2025
History, M.A.
I. Contact Information
Charles Tshimanga-Kashama, Graduate Program Director (775) 784-6855 ckashama@unr.edu Department of History MS 308 University of Nevada, Reno 89557 II. Brief Introduction
The Master’s degree is designed to prepare students for careers in applied history, teaching and for application to Ph.D. programs in history. III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
- Scholarly understanding of the discipline of history demonstrated in written work and in seminars.
- Demonstrated comprehension of historiography and methods.
- Demonstrated ability to frame scholarly questions.
- Knowledge and ability to write analytically and historiographically in three fields demonstrated in three examination essays.
- Ability to frame a research question and present scholarly finding demonstrated in a thesis and thesis oral examination.
IV. Admission Requirements
Applicants must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited four-year college or university, with a major or 24 semester credit minor in history or a closely related discipline (acceptable fields outside history are determined on a case-by-case basis by the Graduate Studies Committee). A cumulative grade point average of 2.75 (unless the applicant has demonstrated unusual promise during his or her junior and senior years) and satisfactory scores on the GRE general test are also required for admission to Graduate Standing in History. B. 700 Level Requirement
Students are required to complete at least 18 units in 700-level courses, including 6 units of thesis credit. C. Seminar Requirement
Complete at least three seminars including one in the major field of concentration, one in a non-major field, and one as listed in the required courses section above. D. Foreign Language Requirement
Reading knowledge of one foreign language other than the student’s native language (not English) is required, the selection to be determined by the committee. Students undertaking thesis research which focuses on a foreign culture should expect to be examined in the principal language of that culture. The language requirement may be satisfied by: (1) two years of successful college work in one language, the fourth semester to be completed with at least the grade of “C”; (2) passing the foreign language placement test given at the University of Nevada, Reno (by the Department of World Languages and Literatures) at the second-year college level. This requirement must be satisfied before taking comprehensive examinations. E. Thesis
Student will write a thesis in their major field of study that demonstrates knowledge of historiography, use of primary sources, analytical and expository skill. VI. Program Total Hours (32 units)
The M.A. program requires a total of 32 units, including a six-unit thesis; written comprehensive examinations (one unit total) in three fields (after 25 units of course work); reading knowledge of one foreign language; a public prospectus colloquium; and a final oral examination (thesis colloquium). VII. Undergraduate Requirements
A baccalaureate degree from an accredited four-year college or university, with a major or 24 semester credit minor in history or a closely related discipline. A cumulative grade point average of 2.75. |