Feb 14, 2025
Chemical Engineering (Extractive Metallurgy Emphasis), B.S. in Chem. E.
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Contact Information
Chemical and Materials Engineering Department 474 Laxalt Mineral Research Building (775) 784-6771 Fax (775) 327-5059 All Freshmen, Sophomores and Incoming transfer students: College of Engineering Advisement Center 108 Edmund J. Cain Hall Building (775) 682-7721 coenadvising@unr.edu Juniors and Seniors: Assigned Faculty Advisor http://www.unr.edu/engineering/student-resources/advising Transfer to Nevada
Use the transfer agreement and the degree planner (available by clicking at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval. If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement if available. If neither is available, access established transfer course equivalencies to assist in your planning. Admission Requirements
Admission requirements and procedures are available at http://www.unr.edu/admissions#requirements. Only students who are eligible to enroll in MATH 181 (as demonstrated through placement tests) may enter specific major programs within the College of Engineering. Others may enter the undeclared engineering program. Undeclared engineering students must be admissible to a specific major program within four regular semesters (fall and spring). Students who are ineligible to enroll in MATH 181 may need more than four years to complete the curriculum. Graduation Requirements
Total Units | 128 | Cumulative GPA | 2.0 | University GPA | 2.0 | Major GPA | 2.0 | Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR | Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR | Upper-Division Requirement | 40 Upper-Division Units | Half Program Units/4 Year Institution | 64 | I. Silver Core General Education Requirements (27-30 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .” Students in this major must meet all Silver Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course descriptions. A. Silver Core Writing and Prerequisite (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3
B. Silver Core Mathematics and Prerequisite (4 units) - CO2
C. Silver Core Natural Sciences (8 units) - CO4, CO4L
D. Silver Core Social Sciences (3 units) - CO6
E. Silver Core Fine Art (3 units) - CO7
F. Silver Core Humanities (6 units) - CO5, CO8
Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. II. Additional Silver Core Requirements (3 units maximum)
Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these Silver Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV). Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. A. Science, Technology & Society Course - CO9
B. Diversity & Equity Course - CO10
The following recommended courses can also be used in the General Education Requirement: C. Global Context Course - CO11
E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis Course - CO13
F. Application Course - CO14
III. Additional College Requirements (0 units)
IV. Major Requirements (95 units)
Technical Electives (4 units)
Choose from the following: V. Minor Requirements (0 units)
VI. Electives (0-3 units)
VII. Recommended Schedule
First Semester (17 units)
Second Semester (18 units)
First Semester (17 units)
Second Semester (15 units)
First Semester (15 units)
Second Semester (14 units)
First Semester (16 units)
Second Semester (16 units)
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