University General Course Catalog 2016-2017 
    Jan 26, 2025  

Computer Science and Engineering, M.S.

I. Contact Information

Eelke Folmer, Ph.D., Graduate Program Director
Office Phone: (775) 784-7592

Mailing Address:

University of Nevada, Reno
Department of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Mail Stop 0171
1664 North Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89557-0330

Department website:  

II. Brief Introduction

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Nevada, Reno offers an integrated course of study covering the theory, implementation and design of information, computation, communication hardware and embedded systems for those seeking the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. Graduate students seeking the degree of Master of Science are given the opportunity to focus on a specific area in computer science and engineering and perform research through the Thesis option (Plan A) or to study several different subjects in computer science and engineering without necessarily specializing on any of them through the Courses-Only option (Plan B). Specifically, students choosing the Thesis option are given the opportunity to become involved in one or more of the following broad research areas:

  1. computer and network systems,
  2. software systems,
  3. intelligent systems, and
  4. games and simulations.

III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes

  1. An ability to apply engineering research and theory to advance the art, science and practice of the discipline.
  2. An ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze, interpret, apply and disseminate the data.
  3. An understanding of research methodology.

IV. Admission Requirements

Applicants to the master’s degree program should have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, mathematics, or science and have minimum experience that includes the equivalent of a Computer Science and Engineering minor. Applicants should further meet the following minimum criteria and the materials for admission:

  • A minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0.
  • A minimum TOEFL ibt score of 80 (or equivalently, TOEFL pbt score 550 or IELTS score 6.5) for international applicants.
  • Combined GRE verbal and quantitative score of at least 297. Students who score below 155 in the quantitative section will find it difficult to complete our graduate program.
  • A one-page personal statement describing research interests and career goals.
  • Three letters of recommendation.

Admission decisions are competitive and satisfaction of the above thresholds does not guarantee an admission. Exceptions to these criteria may be made for applicants who show exceptional promise.

V. Program Requirements

Masters level students may choose Plan A (Thesis) or Plan B (Courses-Only). Each option requires that the students complete a theory course and that their courses span several areas of specialization within the department. The specific requirements of each option are detailed below:

  • Thesis Option (Plan A). This requires a total of 31 units:
    • 24 courses units (at least 18 with CS or CPE codes)
    • 1 unit of CS 792  
    • 6 thesis units 

Taking into account the Graduate School’s requirement, the coursework will therefore entail at least four 700-level courses.

  • Courses Only Option (Plan B)
    • This option requires a total of 36 credits of coursework. Taking into account the Graduate School’s requirement, the coursework will therefore entail at least five 700-level courses. At least 27 of these course credits must be with CS or CPE codes. One of the 700-level courses must include a graduate level capstone project experience that integrates across previous coursework and demonstrates general mastery. Many of the 700-level CS and CPE courses have a capstone integrative project that would satisfy this requirement.

One independent study up to 3 credits is allowed for both options.

A. Core Courses Requirement

Students must complete one of the following theory courses, if they have not already done so as undergraduates:


Furthermore, 75% of the coursework (i.e., 18 out of 24 course credits for the Thesis option, 27 out of 36 course credits for the Courses-Only option) must be in Computer Science and Engineering, i.e., must be credits with CS or CPE codes.

B. Specialization Areas Requirement

Besides the theory course requirement, graduate students pursuing the Thesis option must complete one course from at least two of the four specialization areas listed below. Graduate students pursuing the Courses-Only option must complete one course from at least three of the four specialization areas listed below.

ii. Software Systems

iv. Games and Simulations

C. Declaration of Advisor

The students must find an advisor and submit the Declaration of Advisor form ( to Graduate School by the end of their second semester in the program.


Students pursuing the Courses-Only option are not eligible for teaching or research assistantships. The consent of the student’s advisor and of the graduate director is required for assigning the following courses in the appropriate categories above: CPE 691 , CPE 693 , and CPE 694  .

VI. Total Units (31-36 units)

Thesis Option (Plan A) is 31 units.
Courses Only Option (Plan B) is 36 units

VII. Undergraduate Requirements

Students who are accepted into the graduate program are expected to meet requirements for a bachelor’s degree in engineering, mathematics, or science, and have minimum experience that includes the equivalent of a computer science and engineering minor. The department will consider applications from students lacking this background if they show exceptional promise.