University General Course Catalog 2016-2017 
    Mar 11, 2025  

Nursing, Master of Science in/Public Health, Master of

I. Contact Information

Stephanie S. DeBoor, PhD, RN, CCRN
Associate Director of Graduate Programs
Assistant Professor
(775) 682-7156

Mailing Address:

University of Nevada, Reno
Orvis School of Nursing
1664 N. Virginia Street, Mail Stop 0134
Reno, NV 89557

II. Brief Introduction

The Master of Science in Nursing/Master of Public Health combined degrees program provides an opportunity for nurses to gain knowledge and skills in public health, education, and community health nursing. There are two nursing specializations available within the combined degrees program. The first specialization provides the nurse with the knowledge and skills to practice in public health and to teach in schools of nursing or in health education settings. The second specialization provides the knowledge and skills to practice in public health and advanced community health nursing. In addition to the core courses of the MPH and MSN programs, the education specialization includes teaching and learning theories; curriculum development and evaluation, instructional design; and student and program evaluation. It includes a practice teaching experience in a school of nursing or an education practice setting. For the clinical specialization option, courses include knowledge and skills in advanced community health nursing practice.

The education specialization courses and some of the core courses in nursing and public health are offered through WebCT-based classes and focus on teacher-facilitated independent learning. Occasional on-campus classes are held to enhance the distance education format.

III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes

MPH Overall Program Objectives

  1. A professional program that has applicability to public health issues across the lifespan in Nevada and around the world.
  2. A broad range of courses within the department and across campus related to public health issues, including health promotion and disease/disability prevention.
  3. Relevant work experiences infused throughout didactic classroom experiences that are directly related to public health issues across the lifespan in Nevada and around the world.

MSN/MPH Program Objectives

Upon completion of the MSN/MPH Education and Community Health Nursing Clinical Specialist Specializations, the graduate is able to:

  1. Express caring as a central and core value of nursing by demonstrating ethical, professional behaviors in helping, trusting, relationships with aggregates, clients, patients, students, staff and colleagues in the education setting.
  2. Participate knowledgeably in the development, implementation, revision, and evaluation of nursing curricula and nursing programs to ensure quality education in health care.
  3. Participate in the development of nursing knowledge through the use of education and nursing theories and scientific processes.
  4. Utilize a variety of teaching strategies and educational resources in collaboration with other health professionals and educators to facilitate theoretical and practicum learning experiences.
  5. Using a broad understanding of relevant social issues, integrate the philosophy and mission of a school of nursing or an agency into the development and evaluation of nursing/health care curricula.
  6. Utilize a variety of advanced community health nursing strategies in collaboration with other health professionals to promote the health of aggregates and communities. (Community Health Nursing Clinical Specialist Specialization only.)
  7. Function as an advocate within an education and community health care environment.
  8. Respect diversity and the complex multifaceted health promotion and disease prevention needs of all persons, including un-served and under-served aggregates and communities in the role of nurse leader and educator.

IV. Admission Requirements

Admission requirements to the program include those set by both programs, i.e., 3.0 GPA or higher in the undergraduate degree program and submission of GRE scores. Both programs require course work in the undergraduate program in statistics, research, and lifespan growth and development. Both require three letters of reference and must meet University Graduate School admission requirements. For nursing, the student’s undergraduate degree must come from a CCNE or NLNAC accredited school and applicants must have completed an undergraduate course in health assessment. For the MPH, international students must have a TOEFL score of at least 600 (250 on the new scale) and applicants must have completed 12 units of undergraduate work in health and wellness-related disciplines with a grade of “B” or better in each.

Students pursuing this dual degree program are required to pick one of two tracks from the MPH section (epidemiology or social and behavioral health) and one of three tracks from the MSN (see tabs above).  This dual program is usually around 78-90+ units.

V. Program Requirements