Mar 11, 2025
International Water Resources, Graduate Certificate
I. Contact Information
Alexandra Lutz, Hydrologic Sciences - Desert Research Institute alex.lutz@unr.edu (775) 673-7418 or Laurel Saito, Graduate Program Director, Hydrologic Sciences lsaito@cabnr.unr.edu (775) 784-1921 II. Brief Introduction
The Graduate Certificate in International Water Resources provides a continuing education opportunity for science professionals with undergraduate degrees working in agencies abroad. Note: Students who are enrolled in this program solely are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid. III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
The outcome for a certificate program participant is to contribute to their professional development at local, regional, national, and international levels. The curriculum is planned to provide specialized professional training in a relatively brief time frame and it is focused on developing applied knowledge more than theoretical research. The certificate is multi-disciplinary, with courses offered from several different departments. Learning outcomes include coursework in which a student will learn the fundamentals of an environmental science. topic, such as ground water hydrology and water chemistry including how to compile analyze scientific data, and how to write a technical report that will be submitted for publication in an appropriate scientific journal. IV. Admission Requirements
Admission to the program is open to all students who hold a bachelor’s degree in a field related to water resources. Students must have a “B” (3.0) or better average in the program to earn the certificate and all coursework must be completed within one year of matriculation. these courses will not apply toward any graduate degree programs. V. Program Requirements
The Graduate Certificate in International Water Resources is designed as a 12 unit program with courses to be selected from an approved list provided by the Graduate Program of Hydrologic Sciences. The program of study includes 6 units of coursework in residence at the university during the first semester and an additional 6 units of independent study to conduct an applied project the second semester. The student’s host organization must provide written consent approving both the leave of absence for the student and the applied project that will be completed in-country for the host organization. VI. Program Total Hours (12 units)
VII. Undergraduate Requirements
A bachelor’s degree in a field related to water resources. |