Jan 15, 2025
Courses Verified for CO12
Include the following:
- AGSC 415 - Ethics and Economics of Biotechnology (3 units) CO12, CO13
- CEE 427 - Capstone Design Project (3 units) CO12, CO14
- CHE 450 - Techniques of Process Design, Economics and Safety (3 units) CO12
- CHS 345 - Ethics and Professionalism in Public Health (3 units) CO12
- CHS 360 - Disability Issues in Health Ecology (3 units) CO10, CO12
- COM 311 - Communication Research Methods (3 units) CO12
- COM 395 - Crisis Communication (3 units) CO12
- COM 422 - Difference and Communication (3 units) CO10, CO12
- COM 475 - Communication and Community Engagement (3 units) CO12, CO13
- CRJ 450 - Seminar in Criminal Justice (3 units) CO12
- CRJ 451 - Criminal Justice Colloquium (3 units) CO12
- CS 135 - Computer Science I (3 units) CO12
- CS 446 - Principles of Operating Systems (3 units) CO12
- ECON 100 - Introduction to Economics (3 units) CO6, CO12
- EDU 210 - Nevada School Law (3 units) CO12
- EDUC 489 - STEM and Society (3 units) CO9, CO12
- EE 491 - Engineering Design/Analysis (4 units) CO12, CO14
- ENG 300 - Nevada in Literature (3 units) CO12
- ENG 432A - Chaucer (3 units) CO12
- ENG 445A - The Victorian Period (3 units) CO12
- ENG 484A - The Bible as Literature (3 units) CO12, CO13
- ENG 488 - Ethics and Literature (3 units) CO12
- ENG 491A - Major Texts of the Environmental Movement (3 units) CO12, CO13
- ENG 497B - Ethnicity, Gender and American Identity (3 units) CO10, CO12, CO13
- FREN 341 - Introduction to the History of French Literature I (3 units) CO12
- GEOG 418 - Geographic Thought (3 units) CO12, CO14
- GRI 257 - Social Movements of Gender, Race, and Identity (3 units) CO10, CO12
- GRI 415 - Jewish Thought and Philosophy (3 units) CO10, CO12
- HDFS 391 - Introduction to Research (3 units) CO12
- HIST 404C - Social Movements in the United States (3 units) CO12, CO13
- HIST 481 - Mind, Madness and Culture: Psychotherapy in Europe and America (3 units) CO10, CO12, CO13
- JOUR 305 - Media Ethics (3 units) CO12
- ME 452 - Design Synthesis (4 units) CO12, CO14
- MGT 496 - Strategic Management and Policy (3 units) CO12, CO13, CO14
- MINE 400 - Mine Management and Administration (1 unit) CO12
- MSE 450 - Techniques of Process Design, Economics and Safety (3 units) CO12
- NRES 212 - A Primer in Environmental Ethics (1 unit) CO12
- NRES 494 - Range and Forest Administration and Policy (3 units) CO12, CO13
- NURS 317 - Nursing Care of the Individual I: Theory (3 units) CO12
- NURS 445 - Advanced Leadership and Management for Professional Nursing (3 units) CO12
- NUTR 485 - Nutrition Research and Contemporary Issues (3 units) CO12, CO13, CO14
- PHIL 135 - Introduction to Ethics (3 units) CO12
- PHIL 244 - Bioethics (3 units) CO9, CO12
- PHIL 245 - Contemporary Moral Issues (3 units) CO10, CO12
- PHIL 450 - Ethical Theory (3 units) CO12
- PHIL 452 - Aesthetics (3 units) CO12
- PHIL 454 - Global Ethics and Justice (3 units) CO11, CO12
- PHIL 457 - Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12, CO14
- PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruptions (3 units) CO12, CO13
- PSC 409A - Political Philosophy (3 units) CO12, CO14
- PSY 240 - Introduction to Research Methods (3 units) CO12
- PSY 395 - Ethics in Behavior Analysis (3 units) CO12
- RST 101 - Introduction to Religious Studies (3 units) CO10, CO12
- RST 495 - Special Topics in Religious Studies (3 units) CO12
- SCI 425 - Ethics in Science (1 unit) CO12
- SOC 333 - Religion And Society (3 units) CO10, CO12
- SOC 369 - Sociology of Law (3 units) CO12
- SPA 400 - Assessment of Communication Disorders (1 to 3 units) CO12
- SPAN 350 - Introduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature (3 units) CO12
- SW 420 - Social Work Methods with Individuals (3 units) CO12
- SW 424 - Social Work Methods with Couples and Families (3 units) CO12
- WLL 460 - Politics and Literature in the 20th Century (3 units) CO12, CO13