Jan 14, 2025
Courses Verified for CO13
Include the following:
- AGSC 415 - Ethics and Economics of Biotechnology (3 units) CO12, CO13
- ANTH 405 - Language, Religion, Politics (3 units) CO11, CO13
- ANTH 413 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) CO13
- ANTH 414 - Basque Culture (3 units) CO13
- ANTH 436 - History of Anthropology (3 units) CO13
- ANTH 455 - Archaeological Theory (3 units) CO13
- ANTH 477 - War, Occupation & Memory in the Basque Country (3 units) CO13
- ART 445 - Fashion History and Style 1660-1900 (3 units) CO13
- ART 448 - Basque Art, Politics, and Identity in a Global Context (3 units) CO13
- ART 466 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) CO13
- ART 475 - History of Photography (3 units) CO13
- ART 486 - Visualizing Queer Memory (3 units) CO13
- ART 487 - German Art 1900-Present (3 units) CO13
- AST 497 - Astronomy Senior Thesis (3 units) CO13, CO14
- ATMS 497 - Senior Thesis (3 units) CO13, CO14
- BASQ 448 - Basque Art, Politics, and Identity in a Global Context (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 466 - Museums, Architecture, City Renewal: The Bilbao Guggenheim (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 471 - Basque Culture (3 units) CO13
- BASQ 477 - War, Occupation & Memory in the Basque Country (3 units) CO13
- BIOL 415 - Evolution (4 units) CO13
- CHEM 439 - Green Chemistry and Sustainability (3 units) CO9, CO13
- CHEM 495 - Senior Thesis in Chemistry I (3 units) CO13, CO14
- CHS 405 - Spirituality and Health (3 units) CO13
- CHS 410 - Seminar in Integrative Health (3 units) CO11, CO13
- CHS 421 - Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan (3 units) CO13
- CHS 440 - Injury and Violence Prevention (3 units) CO13
- CHS 450 - The History, Science, and Politics of Vaccines (3 units) CO9, CO13
- CHS 461 - The World’s Health (3 units) CO10, CO13
- CHS 470 - Introduction to Public Health and Aging (3 units) CO13
- CHS 474 - Social Psychology of Public Health (3 units) CO10, CO13
- CHS 476 - AIDS: Psychosocial and Health Care Concerns (3 units) CO10, CO13
- COM 412 - Intercultural Communication (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- COM 468 - Facilitating Difficult Discussions (3 units) CO13, CO14
- COM 475 - Communication and Community Engagement (3 units) CO12, CO13
- CRJ 420 - Jurisprudence (3 units) CO13
- CRJ 427 - Struggle for Justice (3 units) CO10, CO13
- CRJ 475 - Women and the Criminal Justice System (3 units) CO10, CO13
- CRJ 479 - Feminist Jurisprudence: Violence Against Women (3 units) CO10, CO13
- DAN 467 - Dance Criticisms and Aesthetics (3 units) CO13
- ECON 334 - Economic History of U.S. (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ECON 442 - History of Economic Ideas (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ECON 454 - Economics of Government Regulations (3 units) CO13
- EDUC 413 - Education for a Changing World (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- ENG 333 - Professional Communications (3 units) CO13
- ENG 401B - Advanced Non-Fiction (3 units) CO13
- ENG 427A - Women and Literature (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ENG 484A - The Bible as Literature (3 units) CO12, CO13
- ENG 490A - Gender and Sexual Identity in Literature (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ENG 491A - Major Texts of the Environmental Movement (3 units) CO12, CO13
- ENG 492A - Language, Science and Society (3 units) CO13
- ENG 492C - Language and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO13
- ENG 497B - Ethnicity, Gender and American Identity (3 units) CO10, CO12, CO13
- ENGR 301 - Engineering Communication and Societal Integration (3 units) CO9, CO13
- ENV 467 - Regional and Global Issues in Environment Sciences (3 units) CO11, CO13
- FREN 406 - Francophone Literature and Films in Translation (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GEOG 400 - International Issues for Water Development (3 units) CO11, CO13
- GEOG 422 - Climate Solutions: Local to Global Perspectives (3 units) CO9, CO13
- GEOG 464 - Identity and the Environment (3 units) CO10, CO13
- GEOG 477 - Geography and Film (3 units) CO11, CO13
- GEOG 488 - Creating North American Landscapes (3 units) CO13
- GEOG 488B - Landscape of Lake Tahoe (3 units) CO13
- GEOL 451 - Summer Field Geology (3 to 6 units) CO13, CO14
- GPH 492 - Applied Geophysics (4 units) CO13, CO14
- HDFS 438 - Children and Families in a Multiethnic Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HGPS 410 - Literature of the Holocaust (3 units) CO13
- HGPS 415 - Vietnam: Conflict and Consequences (3 units) CO13
- HGPS 421 - Concepts in Peace Studies and Nonviolence (3 units) CO13
- HIST 403 - Modern American Civilizations (3 units) CO13
- HIST 403A - Tourism, Imperialism, and Culture (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 404C - Social Movements in the United States (3 units) CO12, CO13
- HIST 406 - War, Culture and Society in American History (3 units) CO13
- HIST 406D - The Civil War in American Culture (3 units) CO13
- HIST 417C - The West as National Experience (3 units) CO13
- HIST 432 - History of Women in the United States (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 465C - Modern Ireland and National Identity (3 units) CO11, CO13
- HIST 477 - Culture and Society in Modern Africa (3 units) CO10, CO11, CO13
- HIST 479 - Race and Ethnicity in American History (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HIST 480 - Science, Technology and Society (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 480B - Renaissance Science and the Secrets of Nature (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 481 - Mind, Madness and Culture: Psychotherapy in Europe and America (3 units) CO10, CO12, CO13
- HIST 488 - Creating North American Landscapes (3 units) CO13
- HIST 488B - Landscape of Lake Tahoe (3 units) CO13
- HIST 490A - History of Early Medicine (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 490B - Social History of Medicine in the Modern Era (3 units) CO9, CO13
- HIST 493 - Queer History and Theory (3 units) CO10, CO13
- HP 403 - World Architecture (3 units) CO13
- MATH 420 - Mathematical Modeling (3 units) CO13, CO14
- MATH 487 - Deterministic Operations Research (3 units) CO13
- MGT 496 - Strategic Management and Policy (3 units) CO12, CO13, CO14
- MINE 472 - World Mineral Economics (3 units) CO11, CO13
- MUS 420 - History and Methods of Television Music (3 units) CO13
- MUS 421 - Gender and Ethnicity in American Music (3 units) CO10, CO13
- MUS 425 - Film Music (3 units) CO13
- MUS 431 - Exploring World Music (3 units) CO11, CO13
- NRES 400 - International Issues for Water Development (3 units) CO11, CO13
- NRES 467 - Regional and Global Issues in Environmental Sciences (3 units) CO11, CO13
- NRES 494 - Range and Forest Administration and Policy (3 units) CO12, CO13
- NRES 498 - Rangeland Restoration Ecology (3 units) CO13, CO14
- NUTR 485 - Nutrition Research and Contemporary Issues (3 units) CO12, CO13, CO14
- PHIL 476 - The Self: Philosophic and Psychoanalytic Explorations (3 units) CO13
- PHIL 480 - Science, Technology and Society (3 units) CO9, CO13
- PHYS 400 - Energy: Principles, Sources and Problems (3 units) CO9, CO11, CO13
- PHYS 497 - Senior Thesis (3 units) CO13, CO14
- PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruptions (3 units) CO12, CO13
- PSC 407W - Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407X - Suicide Terrorism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 407Y - Democratization and Authoritarianism (3 units) CO11, CO13
- PSC 409K - Jurisprudence (3 units) CO13
- PSY 408 - History of Psychology (3 units) CO13
- PSY 410 - Philosophical Criticisms of Psychological Research (3 units) CO13
- PSY 452 - Psychology of Trauma (3 units) CO13
- PSY 467 - Psychology of Gender (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 376 - The Community (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 379 - Ethnic and Race Relations (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 409 - Gendered Violence (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 453 - Gender and Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 457 - Society and Health (3 units) CO13
- SOC 458 - Sociology of Mental Health (3 units) CO13
- SOC 463 - Social Psychology of Education (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 464 - Conformity and Deviance (3 units) CO10, CO13
- SOC 480 - The Family (3 units) CO13
- SOC 483 - Family Violence (3 units) CO13
- SOC 495 - Work and Occupations (3 units) CO10, CO13
- THTR 482 - History of Theatre II (3 units) CO10, CO13
- VM 481 - Animals in Human Cultures (3 units) CO13
- WLL 450 - Hispanic Women’s Literature in English Translation (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WLL 460 - Politics and Literature in the 20th Century (3 units) CO12, CO13
- WLL 470 - Multiculturalism in Literature and Film (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 300 - Genders, Cultures and Identities (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 406 - Francophone Literature and Films in Translation (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 409 - Gendered Violence (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 419 - Men and Masculinities (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 421 - Gender and Ethnicity in American Music (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 427A - Women and Literature (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 430 - Gender, Literature and the Arts (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 442 - Women in Latin America (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 453 - Gender and Society (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 467 - Psychology of Gender (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 486 - Family Violence (3 units) CO13
- WMST 489 - Gender and Sexual Identity in Literature (3 units) CO10, CO13
- WMST 493 - Queer History and Theory (3 units) CO10, CO13