Mar 12, 2025
Nuclear Packaging, Graduate Certificate
II. Brief Description
Nuclear and other radioactive materials are used for large-scale production of electricity without greenhouse gas generation, advanced medical treatments, food sterilization, and sophisticated measurement technologies. In order to benefit from these uses, packaging that protects the public and the environment during the storage, transfer, transport and disposal of these materials must be developed, inspected and maintained. The purpose of the graduate certificate is to provide a curriculum in packaging for nuclear and other radioactive materials that complements graduate programs in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering, and is more applied-knowledge-based than research-based. The three required courses, and three of the elective courses, are offered by the US Department of Energy (DOE) Packaging Certification Program (PCP). They are taught by experienced technical staff at Argonne, Lawrence Livermore, and Savannah River National Laboratories. These classes have been taken by technical staff from nuclear industries, national labs and government agencies from within and outside the United States. Note: Students who are enrolled in this program solely are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid. III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
Program Objectives: - Encourage students to complete a curriculum in packaging safety and security of nuclear and other radioactive materials that has both depth and breadth.
- Provide a graduate-level curriculum designed to give students an advantage when seeking employment or advancement in the area of packaging of nuclear and other radioactive materials, or related fields.
Students who earn a Graduate Certificate in Nuclear Packaging will be able to demonstrate the following competencies: - Be able to describe and understand methods for implementing and satisfying the US safety regulations 10CFR71, Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material.
- Be able to develop and describe the ASME Code and quality assurance (QA) requirements for design, procurement, fabrication, examination, and testing of radioactive material packaging and storage casks to satisfy regulatory requirements.
- Be able to describe a depth and breadth of nuclear packaging safety and security practices.
IV. Admission Requirements
The admission requirements for the graduate certificate is an earned baccalaureate degree in mechanical, materials, nuclear or a closely-related engineering field, or a baccalaureate degree and background in project management related to packaging of nuclear and other radioactive materials. A. Required Courses (4 units)
VI. Total Units (9 units)