Mar 02, 2025
Mathematics, Ph.D.
I. Contact Information
Stanislav (Slaven) Jabuka, Professor, Graduate Program Director for Mathematics and Statistics Phone: (775) 784-6816 Email: jabuka@unr.edu II. Brief Introduction
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers a doctoral program in Mathematics to provide training in a variety of areas of modern pure and applied mathematics. The curriculum includes a broad background in foundational areas, as well as specialized courses leading to the frontiers of relevant research areas. The applied emphasis includes related interdisciplinary topics. III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
Students will - Attain and demonstrate the appropriate level of expertise in fundamental mathematics areas and in the individual’s research field.
- Demonstrate the ability to do independent original research in mathematics on the level of a PhD dissertation.
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate the results of this research, both orally and in writing.
IV. Admission Requirements
Applicants must meet all degree admission requirements of the Graduate School. In addition, applicants must submit Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores and arrange for three letters of recommendation from people familiar with the applicant’s academic record and potential for advanced work in mathematics. The completion of a Master’s degree in mathematics prior to enrollment in the doctoral program is strongly recommended. All international students must comply with the appropriate Graduate School requirements. In particular, applicants whose native language is not English must include a TOEFL or IELTS score. The fall admission deadline is March 1; the spring admission deadline is November 1. V. Program Requirements
Candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree must satisfy all general requirements of the Graduate School. Before being admitted to candidacy, the student must complete at least 75% of the non-elective, non-dissertation coursework, and have passed a comprehensive examination on graduate level material in mathematics. The following courses or their equivalents must be satisfactorily completed for the doctoral degree in mathematics. A. Required Courses (51 units)
B. Program Electives (21 units)
Select advisor-approved electives based on research interests. Possible electives include, but are not limited to, the following courses: Note:
- Maximum of 12 units from independent study courses
- Maximum of 8 units from MATH 7XX - Colloquium
VI. Total Units (72 units)
VII. Notes
Graduate students who hold half-time assistantships are not permitted to enroll for more than 10 units per semester. The following is a representative schedule. |