Feb 14, 2025
Renewable Energy, Graduate Certificate
Return to: Programs in the College of Engineering
The multidisciplinary Graduate Renewable Energy Certificate (GREC) is designed for professionals in the energy industry, including administrators, engineers, business entrepreneurs, and others impacted by new policies and practices related to renewable energy. It is also designed for people whose goal is to prepare for employment in an energy-related field. The online certificate in renewable energy covers renewable energy technologies, markets, business, and policy.
Note: Students who are enrolled in this program solely are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid.
Contact Information
Jill Y. Wallace, Ph.D. Coordinator of Graduate Renewable Energy Certificate Program College of Engineering/ jwallace@unr.edu (775) 682-7774 Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
The intent of the renewable energy certificate program is to prepare students for employment and/or advancement in a renewable energy profession, including administrative, engineering and other positions whose employment is affected by new policies and practices relating to renewable energy. The following are Student Learning Outcomes addressed in the program: - Students will be able to describe the public policy process in relation to alternative energy development and consumption.
- Students will be able to apply basic engineering principles to alternative energy systems.
- Students will be able to describe and compare different alternative energy systems and their respective political and economic factors related to their production and consumption.
- Students will be able to integrate the technical, economic, political, and social parameters of renewable energy to advance renewable energy development.
- Students will be able to apply their course discussions and content knowledge to communicate about renewable energy across technical and political boundaries.
Admission Requirements
Application to the University of Nevada’s Graduate School as a graduate certificate student in the GREC Program requires that you submit an application, a personal statement, a resume, and official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions you have attended. To begin the application process, go to UNR’s Application for Admission webpage. I. Program Requirements
The Graduate Renewable Energy Certificate (GREC) program is open for application to all students who hold a bachelor’s degree in engineering, business management, liberal arts or a related field. To complete the certificate, students must successfully complete four 3-credit GREC courses, 12 credits total, with a B (3.0) or better grade point average in their four courses selected for the certificate. These four courses must be completed within two years of matriculation. GREC students will select their four courses from one of the following tracks: engineering, business, or policy. These tracks allow students to choose an emphasis within the field of renewable energy while also allowing them to customize their renewable energy program to meet their professional and educational goals. At the time of their application to the GREC program, students submit a Program of Studies, which asks them to select their emphasis track and four courses. Two to three of the following renewable energy science courses:
This track may also include one of the following electives:
Two to three of the following courses:
This track may also include one of the following electives:
Two of the following electives:
II. Total Units (12 units)
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