The pathway from TMCC to obtain a B.S. degree in mechanical Engineering at UNR under this “3+2” arrangement represents a final vital component of the Learn and Earn Advanced-career Pathway framework (LEAP) in Manufacturing spearheaded by the Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED).
LEAP is a dynamic framework that consists of multiple fully integrated, highly flexible pathways within which credit transfers seamlessly with no gaps from High School to Community College and ultimately to University. Each stage within the framework represents “on and off ramps” thereby enabling a student to enter the workforce while offering opportunities to re-enter the pathway at a later date to take further advanced qualifications and degrees.
There are two different pathways for students to obtain a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at UNR after beginning their studies in Advanced Manufacturing at TMCC, depending on whether they are pursuing both the AAS and AS degrees at TMCC or the AAS degree only. This proposal is specific to situations in which students pursue both the AAS and AS degrees at TMCC, and is described in more detail below.
For students pursuing both the AAS and AS degrees at TMCC, they will complete three years of course work at TMCC. During their third year of course work at TMCC, they will gain co-admission to UNR to enroll in required ME courses (ME 242, MSE 250, and CEE 372). At the end of this third year, provided they follow the suggested coursework , students can enter into the ME program at UNR and graduate with a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering in two additional years.
From the university’s point of view, through this “3+2” conduit UNR gains access to a larger pool of potential applicants as many students currently undertaking certifications and degrees in manufacturing fields at TMCC have articulated the desire to pursue undergraduate studies in engineering at UNR. In addition, UNR would attract a student population that enters academic studies with practical manufacturing industry experience.
Contact Information
Truckee Meadows Community College
Tara Connolly
Advisement and Transfer Center
Red Mountain Building, Room 111
University of Nevada, Reno
Ivy Chin
Engineering Advising Center
Edmund J. Cain Hall 108
Mechanical Engineering Department
200 Palmer Engineering
(775) 784-6931