University General Course Catalog 2024-2025 
    Oct 03, 2024  
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025

Environmental Sciences and Health, Ph.D.

The Environmental Sciences and Health (ES&H) graduate program is based on the tenet that graduate education in the environmental sciences and health require an interdisciplinary approach encompassing the fields of chemistry, geology, biology, ecology, physics, and human health. The program offers programs of study leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. 

The Environmental Sciences and Health graduate program offers a research-based Dissertation Ph.D. degree. The Environmental Sciences and Health graduate program provides education and research training in the areas of:

  • Environmental Sciences (environmental biology, chemistry, and ecology)
  • Environmental Health (environmental epidemiology and epidemiology)

Students may choose one of these specializations or work with their advisor to develop a custom plan of study. To foster interdisciplinary interactions, the program recognizes that students must have a strong core curriculum within the environmental sciences and health. Beyond that, flexible graduate-level education and research is promoted. The program’s faculty comes from different colleges cross the campus including College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, School of Public Health, College of Science, College of Engineering, UNR School of Medicine, and the Desert Research Institute.

Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes

This program is designed to allow the student an opportunity to design a curriculum to meet his or her disciplinary interests and professional aspirations. 

Outcomes include:

  • a broad and deep factual and theoretical understanding of their area of specialization,
  • awareness of modern research methods and technology,
  • ability to independently design experiments to study scientific hypothesis, interpret experimental results, present their work through effective scientific communication,
  • understand the societal and scientific significance of their work, and possess professional character as illustrated by their ethical behavior, continued educational pursuits and commitment to health and protection of the environment. 

Contact Information

University of Nevada, Reno
Environmental Sciences and Health Graduate Program
School of Public Health, Mail Stop 274
1664 North Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89557
Dr. Wei Yang, Professor

Program Director
(775) 682-7094

Graduate Handbook *

Admissions Requirement

Admissions Deadline

If you miss the admission deadline and would like to enroll in graduate special coursework that could be applied to the M.S. or PhD degree please contact Dr. Wei Yang at

Admissions Requirements

A degree in a related science is desirable including courses in calculus, chemistry, physics, biology and health sciences. Applicants to the Environmental Sciences and Health Graduate Program for the Ph.D. degree must have

1) An undergraduate and/or Master GPA of 3.00 on a 4.00 scale;

2) GRE score is not required, however, it is encouraged to provide GRE scores for those who are seeking an assistantship.  

3) International students need to meet one of the following Minimum score requirements:

3) Three letters of recommendation;

4) A letter stating goals and choice of disciplinary interest,

5) Documentation from an Environmental Sciences and Health faculty member who agrees to serve as your advisor. 

I. Program Requirements

Doctoral are required to complete a minimum of 60 graduate credits.

  • At least 18 credits must be taken at the 700 level: These credits may not include dissertation credits nor credits obtained during undergraduate study.
  • At Least 40 course credits
  • At least 20 dissertation credits and must submit a satisfactory dissertation to the examining committee.   

All requirements for the Doctoral program, excluding prerequisite graduate course work or master’s degrees, must be completed within a period of eight years.


1) The Environmental Sciences and Health program course requirements have been selected with a minimum number of required courses to allow the student an opportunity to design a curriculum to meet each student’s disciplinary interests and professional aspirations.

Prerequisite Courses

Degree in a related science, including calculus and chemistry, and additional coursework in organic chemistry, biology, physics and human health sciences.

Committee Membership

For a doctoral degree, at the completion of twelve graduate credits, the student selects a committee chair and the student and chair arrange the appointment of the remaining four members of the committee.  The committee and the director of the Environmental Sciences and Health program supervise the student’s course of study and examinations.

Committees consist of at least five members, all of whom must be listed as members of the Graduate Faculty by the University of Nevada, Reno Graduate School.  In addition to the committee chair, at least two members will be from the student’s major department, at least one will be from a department in a field related to the student’s major, and at least one will be a Graduate School representative from the graduate faculty. Students may request the appointment of a committee member from the faculty of another university or from a relevant discipline or profession, provided the prospective member has achieved a record of distinction. Formal approval of the student’s advisory/examining committee is made by the Graduate Dean.

Comprehensive Examination for Admission to Doctoral Candidacy
Written Examination:

The written examination is a general examination on environmental science and health.   The student’s committee develops the written questions, which are in the general area of the student’s courses and program.  The examination has 5-7 questions.  For purposes of consistency, the program director will need to approve each written exam at least one week prior to the exam being given to the student.

The exam will be given during an 8-hour period and proctored by the student’s committee chair.  It will be a closed book exam. 

The following provide examples of how the exams could be structured.

  • A student studying phosphorus, sediment and Lake Tahoe might be expected to understand spectroscopic methods, sorption processes, impacts of nutrients on watersheds, soil chemistry and the basis for regulatory actions regarding nutrients.
  • A student studying gas exchange in plants might be expected to know atmospheric measurement processes, plant physiology, soil-plant relationships, and, global warming issues and impacts.
  • A student focused on public health might be expected to know epidemiology, toxicology, biochemistry and environmental contaminants that affect human health. 
Oral Examination:

The oral examination is focused on the student’s knowledge of the specific area of research, and involves presentation of no more than 13 research slides followed by questions.   The committee questions are generally in the specific area of research and designed to determine how well the student understands their own research and their ability to conduct research.

Transfer Work

With regards to transfer credits for doctoral students who have completed a M.S. program, up to 18 credits of 700 level course work from a master’s degree program may be applied to this requirement: No more than 24 credits of course work (with grades of B or better) from a master’s degree program, or previous post baccalaureate graduate studies program, may be allocated toward the doctoral degree.

A. Required Courses (12-13 units)

All students must take 4 of the courses listed below, unless a student’s advisor and committee members recommend substitutions that correspond with a specific research focus. One of the 4 courses must be a graduate-level statistics course, e. g. NRES 710 Graduate Environmental Statistics or PBH 780 Biostatistics in Public Health.

B. Additional Courses (25 units)

In addition to the required courses listed above, Environmental Sciences students must take: 4 seminar course units, 20 dissertation units, and at least one comprehensive examination unit. Units may be chosen from the list below.

C. Electives (23 units)

An additional 23 units will be chosen by the student in consultation with the academic adviser, based on the disciplinary track they have chosen. Elective courses may be selected from a variety of departments, including but not limited to:

  • Atmospheric Sciences (ATMS)
  • Biochemistry (BCH)
  • Chemistry (CHEM)
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE)
  • Environmental Resource Science (ERS)
  • Nutrition (NUTR)
  • Public Health (PUBH)

II. Total Program Requirements

A. Total program requirements (60 units)

Undergraduate Prerequisites/Notes

  1. A degree in a related science is desirable including courses in calculus, chemistry (organic chemistry), biology and physics. Upon admission to the Environmental Sciences Program and prior to beginning classes, each student and faculty advisor will design the academic course work for the first year. By the conclusion of the first year, the student’s advisory committee will collaborate on the rest of the program of study.
  2. Graduate Handbook: * Curriculum requirements in the catalog supersede the Graduate handbook.