University General Course Catalog 2024-2025 
    Feb 18, 2025  
University General Course Catalog 2024-2025

Chemistry (Pre-Medical Emphasis), B.S. in Chem.

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Chemistry majors complete courses providing a solid background in the physical sciences and mathematics, together with a sequence of courses in general, organic, inorganic and physical chemistry. Lecture classes are complemented by laboratories that give hands-on experience in chemical methods and instrumentation. The department also strongly encourages undergraduate students to become involved in laboratory research under the supervision of a faculty member. Undergraduate research is an outstanding learning opportunity that cannot be found in class work alone.

The Pre-Medical Emphasis is designed for students interested in medicine, dentistry, and related health professions. It includes a strong curriculum in chemistry as well as courses in the biological sciences required by professional schools.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • demonstrate a thorough knowledge of basic principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, and the chemical and physical properties of substances.
  • evaluate and interpret chemical, numerical, and general scientific information. (QR)
  • design and perform effective laboratory experiments to gather and analyze data and to test hypotheses. (CT)
  • communicate scientific work and ideas in oral and written formats. (C)

Contact Information

213 Chemistry Building
(775) 784-6041

College of Science Academic Advisors:

Transfer to the University of Nevada, Reno

Use the transfer agreement  and the degree planner (available by clicking Print degree planner icon at the top right of this page) to build your plan for graduation with your advisor. Course substitutions not identified on the transfer agreement require UNR advisor approval.

If a major-to-major transfer agreement is not available for your transfer institution, please check the General Core agreement  if available. If neither is available, access Transferology to assist in your planning.

Graduation Requirements

  • Total Units | 120
  • Cumulative GPA | 2.0
  • University GPA | 2.0
  • Major GPA | 2.0
  • Residency Requirement | 30 Upper-Division Units at UNR
  • Major Residency Requirement | 15 Upper-Division Units in the major at UNR
  • Upper-Division Requirement | 40 Upper-Division Units

I. Core General Education Requirements (27-30 units)

NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy .”

Students in this major must meet all Core Objectives (CO1 through CO14). Courses satisfying Core Objectives are designated (e.g., CO9) in General Catalog curricula and course description.

A. Composition & Communication; Critical Analysis & Use of Information (3-6 units) - CO1, CO3

B. Quantitative Reasoning (4 units) - CO2

  • (4 units) CO2
  • NOTE: Students are expected to place into MATH 181 or higher. Students who do not place into MATH 181 may be required to take additional credits.  

C. Physical & Natural Phenomena (8 units) - CO4, CO4L

D. Cultures, Societies, & Individuals (3 units) - CO6

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO6 courses .

E. Artistic Composition, Interpretation, & Expression (3 units) - CO7

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO7 courses .

F. History & Culture; Constitution (6 units) - CO5, CO8

Refer to the Core Curriculum   chapter in this catalog.

II. Additional Core Requirements (18 units maximum)

Students must take courses that satisfy the following Core Objectives. Some or all of these Core Objectives may be satisfied in the Major Requirements (Section IV).  Refer to the Core Curriculum  chapter in this catalog.

A. Science, Technology & Society - CO9

B. Diversity & Equity - CO10

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO10  courses.

C. Global Contexts - CO11

Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter for a list of approved CO11  courses.

D. Ethics - CO12

E. Capstone Integration & Synthesis - CO13

Choose one course.

F. Application - CO14

Choose one course; the following recommended courses can also be used in the Major Requirement:

III. Additional College Requirements (0 units)

IV. Major Requirements (60-63 units)

D. Bioscience Electives (6-7 units)

Choose from the following:  BIOL/MICR 453 is recommended.

V. Minor Requirements (0 units)

VI. Electives (9-15 units)

One year of foreign language is recommended.

VII. Recommended Schedule

Use the Planner in MyNEVADA to build a custom graduation plan. Review and adjust the plan in each academic advisement session.

A. First Year


First Semester (15 units)


Second Semester (15 units)


B. Second Year


C. Third Year


Fall Semester-Even Years (15 units)

D. Fourth Year


Fall Semester-Odd Years (15 units)

  • Bioscience Elective (see list IV. D.) (3 units)
    Recommended:   /  )
  • Global Contexts (3 units) CO11
  • General Elective (6 units)
    Recommended: Statistics course

Fall Semester-Even Years (15 units)

  • Bioscience Elective (see list IV. D.) (3 units)
  • Diversity& Equity (3 units) CO10
  • Global Contexts (3 units) CO11
  • General Elective (6-7 (6 units)
    • Recommended: Statistics course

Second Semester (15 units)

  • Chemical Science Electives (including laboratory course from list IV. C.), selected to also satisfy CO14 (2-3 units)
  • Bioscience Elective (see list IV. D.) (3 units)
  • General Electives (6-7 units)

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