Mar 11, 2025
Accounting, B.S. in Bus. Ad.
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I. University Core Curriculum Requirements (33-43 units)
NOTE: Refer to the Core Curriculum chapter of this catalog for information regarding the “Core English and Math Completion Policy”. A. English (3-8 units)
Refer to the “English” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. NOTE: Students who place in ENG 102 are not required to complete ENG 101 . Students who do not take ENG 101 are required to compensate for these units by taking non-business electives. B. Mathematics (3 units)
Refer to the “Mathematics” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. - MATH 176 - Introductory Calculus for Business and Social Sciences (3 units)
NOTE: Students who take MATH 126R in preparation for MATH 176 can apply these units toward business electives.
In regards to MATH 128 and above, sequencing rules in effect for many Math courses prohibit students from earning credit for a lower numbered Math course after receiving credit for a higher numbered Math course. Sequencing rules are included in the course descriptions of applicable courses.
C. Natural Sciences (6-8 units)
Refer to the Natural Sciences (Group A) section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. Refer to the Natural Sciences (Group B) requirement of the Core Curriculum chapter In this catalog. D. Social Sciences (3 units)
Select one of the following courses: E. Fine Arts (3 units)
Refer to the “Fine Arts” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. F. Core Humanities (9 units)
Refer to the “Core Humanities” section of the Core Curriculum chapter in this catalog. G. Capstone Courses (6 units)
H. Diversity (0-3 units) Most International Business courses also satisfy this requirement. II. Additional College Requirements (54 units)
A. Nonbusiness Course Requirements (6 units)
Select one social sciences course (3 units):
Select one speech course (3 units):
B. Pre-Business Core (24 units)
C. Upper-Division Business Core (21 units)
Select one writing course (3 units):
Select one of the following economics courses (0 units):
International Business (3 units)
Must be selected from the following: D. Additional Business Course Requirement (3 units)
III. Major Requirements (24 units)
A. Required accounting courses (18 units)
NOTE: Twelve (12) of the eighteen required credits must be completed at UNR. B. Select two courses from the following: (6 units)
All students are required to earn a grade of C or better in the individual prerequisites for each upper-division course to advance to the next upper-division accounting course. Upper-division accounting courses may be taken a maximum of three (3) times. A minimum of 12 of the required 18 upper-division accounting units must be completed at the University of Nevada, Reno. Transfer courses are not included in the calculation of major GPA (2.0 is required for graduation). IV. Minor Requirements (0 units)
V. Electives (Non-business or business) (0-9 units)
VI. Total Units (120 units)
VII. Recommended Schedule
B. Second Year (30 units)
D. Fourth Year (30 units)
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