Admission Requirements
The MBA graduate program is open to those who hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university, or its equivalent. Any undergraduate major is acceptable and a student with a nonbusiness degree may find the program particularly worthwhile.
The college is primarily concerned with the candidate’s fitness for graduate study and promise of effective business performance. A judgment of these qualities is made from the following information: undergraduate record, performances on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), letters of recommendation, a written statement indicating the candidate’s educational and career objectives, a resume detailing professional experience.
The applicant will be expected to demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication. The written communication requirements are fulfilled by submitting a written statement indicating the candidate’s educational and career objectives and other writing samples the applicant may wish to have considered.
Applicants need to have a working knowledge of microcomputers and be able to use them for word processing and spreadsheets. If the applicant needs to improve in any of the areas mentioned above, skills counseling will be provided by the office of graduate programs.
Admission Standards
In addition to meeting the requirements of the Graduate School, the following are the minimum standards normally required for admission to graduate standing in the College of Business. These standards are subject to change.
- The applicant must have a baccalaureate (or an advanced) degree from an accredited four-year institution.
- The applicant must have an overall grade-point average (GPA) of at least 2.75 or last half GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale
- The applicant must have a minimum GMAT score of 500. The applicant must score above the twentieth percentile on each component of the GMAT. Scores must be submitted prior to admission. Please visit the following website for GMAT information: The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is not acceptable for admission to the MBA program.
- The applicant must have at least two years of significant professional experience.
- International students must have a minimum TOEFL score of 550 paper or 220 computerized. International students who are admitted to the program may be required to complete additional courses as recommended by the Intensive English department upon enrollment.
If the applicant does not meet all the requirements, admission to graduate standing in a prescribed program may be considered. A student enrolled in a prescribed program is ineligible for a teaching or research assistantship.
For more information, contact the College of Business Office, 409B Business Building, (775) 784-4912.
Application Process
To apply to the MBA program, submit the following to the Graduate School:
- a completed and signed Application for Admission form
- a nonrefundable application fee
- two official transcripts from each college or university where work has been completed or is in progress
- the official report of the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).
The following is to be submitted to the MBA Office, College of Business:
- a current, detailed resume
- a personal statement indicating the applicant’s educational and career objectives
- at least two letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the applicant’s fitness for graduate study and promise of effective business performance.
Application Period
All admission applications and credentials must be received in the Graduate School by mid-March to be considered for the fall semester, and mid-October for the spring semester.
The MBA Admissions Committee reviews all applications and makes admissions decisions.
International Students
Qualified international students are encouraged to apply for admission to the MBA program.
The minimum TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score required for admission to advanced degree programs in business administration is 550 paper or 220 computerized.
International applicants must satisfy all university medical examination and financial responsibility requirements prior to admission.
The MBA degree is offered as a college-wide program. Advisement is provided by the COB director of graduate programs and the associate director of the MBA program. Upon completion of the core and the required advanced courses in the breadth area, the student may tailor the program to his or her needs through elective courses and/or an individualized advanced field project or thesis. These specialized courses, along with any substitutions of advanced courses, require permission from the COB director of graduate programs.
Students are cautioned that some graduate courses in the college are offered only one semester per academic year, and program conflicts may result if proper advisement is neglected.
All graduate students should meet with the director of graduate programs prior to initial registration to develop their program of study.
Limitations on Transfer and S/U Courses and Courses Taken as a Graduate Special
Subject to the approval of the COB director of graduate programs and the dean of the graduate school, a maximum of nine appropriate graduate transfer credits may be accepted.
S/U graded courses are not acceptable for 600- or 700-level graduate credit in the MBA or economics programs.
A maximum of nine graduate credits earned as a graduate special student may be used in satisfying requirements for any advanced degree.
Academic Standards and Probation
Graduate students in the College of Business who do not maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.0 in all graduate courses are placed on probation. Students on probation may be prohibited from further enrollment if they fail to raise their overall GPA to at least 3.0 by the end of the first probationary semester. Exceptions are made only at the discretion of the COB director of graduate programs and the graduate school dean and may then be for a single additional semester if warranted. Additional information on graduate academic standards requirements is included in the Graduate School section of this catalog.
Continuous Matriculation
Graduate students are required to maintain continuous enrollment during their participation in the program. A leave of absence may be granted, if warranted and requests must be submitted in advance to the COB director of graduate programs and approved by the Dean of the Graduate School.
A graduate student who discontinues enrollment for more than one year may be required by the director of graduate programs to apply for readmission. Enrollment is defined as registration in one or more courses for credit relevant to the student’s degree program. (See the “approved leave” information under “Academic Requirements ” in the Graduate School section of this catalog.) Enrollment begins when students register for the first course for credit.
In addition, a student who discontinues enrollment for more than one year must meet the requirements of the current catalog when he or she chooses to re-enroll.
Course Requirements - 51 units
The following core courses comprise the MBA common body of knowledge and are required unless waived. Students must complete the core requirements before enrolling in breadth courses.
A. The Common Body of Knowledge (Core) (21 units)
B. Breadth Courses (18 units)
Select any four of the following three-credit courses (12 units)
C. Areas of Emphasis (9 units)
In consultation with the MBA director, students may choose nine elective credits that have an industry or functional emphasis. Current areas of emphasis include accounting, entrepreneurship, finance, gaming management, information technology and supply chain management. Additional areas of emphasis may be developed in consultation with the director of MBA.
D. Integration (Required) (3 units)
Normally the integration course is taken during the last semester prior to graduation. Students must have completed the core and breadth courses before enrolling in the integration course.
Waiver Policy
Individual common body of knowledge or core courses may be waived by permission of the Associate Dean if students have completed an equivalent course within the last five years with a grade of at least B at an AACSB-accredited or equivalent institution. Waivers of core courses may also be made upon a student’s successful completion of a proficiency examination. Applications for core course waiver and proficiency examinations must be completed during a student’s first year in the program.