Mar 11, 2025
Mechanical Engineering, M.S.
Return to: Graduate Programs in the College of Engineering
I. Contact Information
Henry Fu, Asst. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate Program Director hfu@unr.edu (775) 784-1690 II. Brief Introduction
The department currently offers the master of science and doctor of philosophy degrees in mechanical engineering. The department does not have a language requirement for the Ph.D. degree. The program of courses and research for both the master’s and doctoral degrees is tailored to the background, needs and interests of the individual student. Current areas of research include: - Nuclear Waste Transportation Safety
- Heat Transfer Augmentation
- Fluid-Solid Interaction
- Viscoelasticity
- Biofluid/Solid Mechanics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Temperature Control of Electronic Devices
- Thermodynamics
- Solar Energy Collection and Systems
- Mechanics of Fiber-reinforced Composites
- Manufacturing Processes
- Gas Turbine Engine Heat Transfer
- Sports Biomechanics
- Dynamics of Ground Vehicles
- Computer Aided Design
- Intelligent Materials and Systems
- Active Structural Control
- Geothermal Heating and Power Production
Current areas of research can be found on the department website. III. Program Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes
Our program is directed towards preparing motivated students to become professionally competent and capable of independent, self-directed research in one of several sub-disciplines of mechanical engineering, including solid mechanics, materials, biomedical engineering, and the fluid/thermal sciences. IV. Admission Requirements
We expect applicants to have a grade point average of 3.0 (4.0 scale) or better for the B.S. degree program or the last two years of course work for MS program applicants; and a minimum GPA of 3.25 (4.0 scale) for Ph.D. program applicants. We expect the GRE scores of Verbal + Quantitative to be 300 (1100 in old 800 point scale) or higher. We especially encourage applicants with scores above 70th percentile in the Quantitative GRE exam (>155, or >700 in old 800 point scale) to apply. Students whose native language is not English, must take the TOEFL or IELTS unless they have completed BS/MS degrees at an English speaking university. The minimum acceptable score for applicants is 550 for TOEFL (213 computer based or 79 internet based), or 6.5 for IELTS. For PhD program applicants, research and/or industrial experience, three letters of recommendation, and a statement of purpose are important parts of the application package. V. Program Requirements
Both Plan A (requiring the completion of a thesis) and Plan B (nonthesis) master’s degree programs are available. All master’s degree candidates are initially accepted into Plan B, but may be invited to complete Plan A in cooperation with a faculty research advisor. Graduate students in Plan A are eligible to apply for teaching assistantships. In addition to the requirements for a MS degree established by the graduate school (for details see graduate catalog), Plan A and Plan B have the following requirements: Plan A (Thesis)
In the thesis program, at least 30 credits of acceptable graduate courses must be completed. At least 21 of those credits must be earned in on-campus courses at the university. Any transfer credits from another institution must be approved for inclusion in the program of study by the advisory/examining committee, and must be officially accepted by the Office of Admissions and Records. At least 18 credits in the program must be at the 700 level. Plan B (Non-Thesis)
The program of study requires the satisfactory completion of at least 32 credits of acceptable graduate courses and a comprehensive examination. At least 23 credits must be earned in on-campus courses at the university. At least 15 of the 32 total credits must be earned at the 700 level. VI. Total Units
Plan A (30 units) Plan B (32 units) VIII. Undergraduate Prerequisites
Incoming students should have a background in the core areas of Mechanical Engineering, including Statics, Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Dynamic Systems and Control, Fluid Mechanics, and Solid Mechanics. For students lacking in this background, the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Committee will specify undergraduate and graduate courses that must be taken before completion of the degree program. |
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